Digital Marketing Innovator Helps Publishers Drive Revenue

This week, PostUp — a digital and email marketing solution company — shared with MMW details of the company’s launch of their new “Dynamic Content Wall” solution.

The solution in question allows publishers to easily implement pay and registration walls, enabling them to drive more revenue directly or capture valuable audience data.

Today’s publishers face more challenges than ever before in growing their digital revenues. As digital advertising continues to present issues for publishers, many have sought out more sustainable digital revenue models. Implementing pay and registration walls has been a way for publishers such as The Boston Globe and The New Yorker to successfully get new readers and more subscribers.

“We understand many publishers are feeling revenue pressure due to industry trends such as declining programmatic revenue, ad blocking, and distributed content platforms intermediating the audience relationship,” said Tony D’Anna, CEO of PostUp. “PostUp is laser focused on helping publishers diversify their revenue streams as well as grow and monetize their direct audience. Our email products, such as our Audience Development Solution, have been pivotal in helping publishers establish and grow direct relationships with their audiences. We are thrilled to offer Dynamic Content Wall, which gives publishers a near-turn-key solution that retains all the benefits of their existing ad driven business model while allowing low risk experimentation and optimization of a parallel subscription revenue model. Publishers are already familiar with content personalization. What is unique about Dynamic Content Wall is that it allows for personalization of the business model, to maximize the revenue outcome for each individual audience member.”

PostUp bills itself as the only Email Services Provider (ESP) focused on the publishing and media industry.

We’re told that NewBay, a leading source of information and marketing solutions to the B-to-B professional and enthusiast communities, will be among the first to benefit from the new solution.

“PostUp understands our business,” said Meg Estevez, Vice President of Audience Development at NewBay. “Their solutions continue to drive real results, consistently boosting audience growth and engagement. Dynamic Content Wall is the perfect solution for our focused publications with their invested and loyal readers.”