jobs Archives - Mobile Marketing Watch Fri, 27 Oct 2023 06:39:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 jobs Archives - Mobile Marketing Watch 32 32 Using Social Media for Job Hunting and Professional Networking Fri, 27 Oct 2023 06:39:16 +0000 In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram not only to connect with friends and family but also to stay updated with the latest news, trends, and to express our thoughts and opinions. However, social media is not just for...

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In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. We use platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram not only to connect with friends and family but also to stay updated with the latest news, trends, and to express our thoughts and opinions. However, social media is not just for personal use; it can also be a powerful tool for job hunting and professional networking. In this blog post, we will explore how you can leverage social media to advance your career, find job opportunities, and build a strong professional network.

Why Use Social Media for Job Hunting and Professional Networking?

Before diving into the practical aspects of using social media for job hunting and networking, let’s understand why it’s so important in today’s job market.

  1. Visibility: Being active on social media platforms increases your visibility. Employers and recruiters often search for potential candidates online. Having a strong social media presence can make you more discoverable.
  2. Networking: Social media platforms allow you to connect with professionals in your field. These connections can lead to job opportunities, mentorship, and collaborations.
  3. Information and Insights: Social media is a valuable source of industry news, trends, and insights. It helps you stay informed and relevant in your field.
  4. Personal Branding: Your social media profiles can act as an extension of your personal brand. Building a professional image online can positively impact your career.
  5. Job Postings: Many companies and job search websites post job openings on social media. Following or connecting with these accounts can help you access job listings.

Which Social Media Platforms Should You Use?

Not all social media platforms are created equal when it comes to job hunting and professional networking. Here are some of the most popular platforms and how they can be useful:

  1. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professional networking and job hunting. It’s designed specifically for this purpose. You can create a detailed professional profile, connect with colleagues and industry professionals, and join groups related to your field. LinkedIn is a powerful tool for building your professional network and searching for job opportunities.
  2. Twitter: Twitter is an excellent platform for staying updated with industry news and trends. Many professionals and companies share valuable insights and job postings on Twitter. You can also engage in conversations with industry leaders and organizations, which can lead to networking opportunities.
  3. Facebook: While Facebook is primarily a personal social network, there are groups and pages related to job searching and professional development. Joining these groups and following relevant pages can help you discover job openings and connect with professionals in your field.
  4. Instagram: Instagram is more visual and creative, making it a great platform to showcase your work and projects. If your profession is visual or creative in nature, Instagram can be a valuable tool to display your portfolio and attract potential employers or clients.
  5. Other Platforms: Depending on your industry, you might find other platforms like GitHub (for developers), Behance (for creatives), or even TikTok (for short video content) to be useful for showcasing your skills and expertise.

Tips for Using Social Media for Job Hunting and Networking

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of social media and which platforms to use, let’s dive into some practical tips for making the most of social media for your career:

1. Optimize Your Profiles

Your social media profiles should reflect your professional identity. Here are some key tips for optimizing your profiles:

  • Use a professional profile picture and cover photo.
  • Write a compelling and concise bio that highlights your skills and expertise.
  • Include keywords related to your industry to make your profile more discoverable.
  • Link to your portfolio, personal website, or LinkedIn profile if applicable.

2. Network Actively

Networking is one of the most significant advantages of social media. Here’s how to network effectively:

  • Connect with colleagues, classmates, and professionals in your field.
  • Engage in discussions and conversations related to your industry.
  • Join LinkedIn groups or Facebook communities relevant to your profession.
  • Send personalized messages when connecting or reaching out to people.

3. Share Valuable Content

Sharing content related to your industry is a great way to showcase your expertise and stay engaged in your professional community. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Share articles, blog posts, and news related to your field.
  • Create your own content, such as blog posts, videos, or infographics.
  • Comment on and share content from influencers in your industry.
  • Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts.

4. Research Companies and Job Opportunities

Social media is an excellent platform for researching companies and job opportunities. Here’s how to do it:

  • Follow companies you’re interested in working for on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Set up job alerts or notifications for specific keywords or job titles.
  • Reach out to current or former employees of a company to gain insights.
  • Be aware of any company events, job fairs, or webinars posted on social media.

5. Be Consistent and Professional

Consistency is key when using social media for job hunting and networking. Here are some tips to maintain a professional image:

  • Post regularly but avoid oversharing or spamming your network.
  • Use a professional tone and language in your posts and interactions.
  • Be mindful of your online behavior and avoid controversial or offensive content.
  • Double-check your posts for spelling and grammar errors.

6. Use Direct Messaging Sparingly

While connecting with professionals and companies through direct messaging can be effective, it’s essential to use this feature sparingly and appropriately. Here’s how to do it:

  • Send personalized messages when connecting with someone new, explaining your purpose.
  • Avoid sending unsolicited messages with job inquiries or requests for help.
  • Engage in conversations with your connections before seeking favors or assistance.

7. Attend Virtual Events

Virtual events, webinars, and conferences have become more prevalent in recent times. Use social media to discover and register for such events. They provide an excellent opportunity to learn, network, and even discover job opportunities.

8. Seek Recommendations and Endorsements

On LinkedIn, you can ask for recommendations and endorsements from colleagues, supervisors, or clients. These can add credibility to your profile and showcase your skills and achievements.

9. Stay Informed

Use social media to stay informed about industry trends, news, and changes. It will help you remain relevant and informed about what’s happening in your field.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Finding job opportunities and building a strong network through social media takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts. It may take a while before you see significant results, but your consistency will pay off in the long run.

Success Stories

To illustrate the effectiveness of using social media for job hunting and professional networking, let’s look at a few success stories.

1. John’s LinkedIn Journey

John, a recent college graduate with a degree in marketing, was struggling to find job opportunities in his field. He decided to revamp his LinkedIn profile, showcasing his coursework, internships, and relevant skills. He began connecting with marketing professionals and engaging in conversations within marketing-related LinkedIn groups. It wasn’t long before he received an invitation to interview for a marketing assistant position at a well-known company, a connection he made through LinkedIn. John’s active presence on LinkedIn not only helped him secure a job but also kick-started his professional network in the marketing world.

2. Sarah’s Twitter Triumph

Sarah, a freelance graphic designer, wanted to expand her client base. She started sharing her design work on Twitter and used relevant design-related hashtags to gain visibility. One of her tweets showcasing her portfolio caught the attention of a creative agency looking for a freelance designer. The agency reached out to Sarah, and she ended up securing a long-term contract. By consistently sharing her work and engaging with the design community on Twitter, Sarah turned a social media platform into a lucrative job opportunity.

3. Michael’s Facebook Find

Michael had been working in the construction industry for several years but wanted to transition to a project management role. He joined a few project management groups on Facebook and began participating in discussions, sharing his knowledge, and asking for advice. Through one of these groups, he connected with a project manager at a construction company who was impressed by his contributions. This connection eventually led to a job offer and a successful career transition for Michael.

These success stories demonstrate that with the right approach, social media can be a game-changer in your job search and professional networking efforts.

Challenges and Precautions

While social media can be a powerful tool for job hunting and professional networking, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges and take precautions:

1. Privacy Concerns

Sharing personal information on social media can pose privacy concerns. Be mindful of the information you share and adjust your privacy settings accordingly.

2. Overexposure

Posting too frequently or sharing irrelevant content can lead to overexposure and may annoy your connections. Strike a balance between being active and overdoing it.

3. Negative Feedback

Not all interactions on social media will be positive. You may encounter criticism or negative feedback. It’s essential to handle such situations professionally and with grace.

4. Scams and Fake Job Listings

Be cautious when responding to job listings on social media. Some scams and fake job opportunities exist. Research companies and job postings thoroughly before applying.

5. Time Management

Using social media for job hunting and networking can be time-consuming. Set limits and allocate a specific amount of time each day for these activities to avoid distractions from your job search or daily work.


Social media is no longer just a platform for personal connection and entertainment; it’s a valuable resource for job hunting and professional networking. By optimizing your profiles, actively networking, sharing valuable content, and following the tips and success stories discussed in this blog post, you can harness the power of social media to advance your career and achieve your professional goals.

Remember that building a strong network and finding job opportunities through social media may take time and patience. Consistency and professionalism are key. So, whether you’re just starting your career or looking to make a career change, don’t underestimate the potential of social media in helping you achieve your professional aspirations. Start building your online presence, connecting with professionals in your field, and using social media as a valuable tool in your job search and networking efforts.

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Mondo Reveals The Top 10 Digital Marketing Professional Jobs for 2017 Thu, 23 Mar 2017 10:03:27 +0000 Mondo is out with the results of its annual Digital Marketing Salary Guide, which includes the latest digital marketing salary data and hiring trends. Not surprisingly, the top 10 digital marketing jobs for 2017 garnering salaries of $170K or more include Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), VP of Digital Marketing, and Web Analytics Manager/Market Data Analyst,...

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Mondo is out with the results of its annual Digital Marketing Salary Guide, which includes the latest digital marketing salary data and hiring trends.

Not surprisingly, the top 10 digital marketing jobs for 2017 garnering salaries of $170K or more include Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), VP of Digital Marketing, and Web Analytics Manager/Market Data Analyst, according to the 2017 Salary Outlook from Mondo.

If you’re not familiar, Mondo is the largest national staffing agency specializing exclusively in high-end, niche IT and Digital Marketing talent.

According to Mondo’s annual Digital Marketing Salary Guide, the top 10 digital marketing jobs for 2017 with salaries of $170,000 or more include:

  • CMO: $160-245,000
  • VP, Digital Marketing: $140-200,000
  • Web Analytics Manager/Market Data Analyst: $80-185,000
  • VP, eCommerce: $125-180,000
  • Director, Interactive: $140-180,000
  • Director, Creative: $101-178,000
  • UX Specialist/Information Architect: $110-175,000
  • Mobile App Developer: $100-175,000
  • Director UX/UI: $130-170,000
  • VP, Interactive Product or Interactive Marketing: $130-170,000

“Digital marketing technology skills like Data Analysis and UX/UI design are garnering top salaries, and professionals with those skills are in high demand,” said Gianna Scorsone, Senior Vice President of Marketing Operations and Sales for Mondo. “In terms of our placements, we have seen a rise in demand across the board for Digital Marketing professionals, with a 70% increase over last year.”

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Mobile Matters This Year for Holiday Hiring in the Retail Industry Mon, 31 Oct 2016 11:33:28 +0000 A new survey report, 6 Tips to Score a Part-Time Job in Retail During the Holidays, released by iCIMS, Inc. — a provider of cloud-based talent acquisition solutions — shows that many retail employers will be paying their temporary employees an average of $13.37 an hour (twenty percent will be paying $15 an hour or...

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Summer is the Time for eCommerce Tune Up Before The Holidays HitA new survey report, 6 Tips to Score a Part-Time Job in Retail During the Holidays, released by iCIMS, Inc. — a provider of cloud-based talent acquisition solutions — shows that many retail employers will be paying their temporary employees an average of $13.37 an hour (twenty percent will be paying $15 an hour or more — much higher than the average minimum wage in the U.S. — making these temporary positions more attractive).

But escalated wages aside, the real story here in the mobile world is that retailers are seeking more mobile advantages in the hiring process.

The new report report in question indicates that hiring managers want more mobile assistance as they pursue part-time help in retail positions during the holidays.

In particular, the provides insight on the top technologies on retail hiring managers’ wish list to streamline their holiday hiring process.

Mobile job applications and a mobile app for hiring managers to view pending tasks remotely were cited as some of the top tools that hiring managers think will be the most effective to help hire temporary employees, along with an online interview scheduling system that syncs with email and calendar applications.

“Hiring managers also expressed interest in recruitment marketing software to send automated emails and social media posts, and video interviewing and video cover letter software to make holiday hires more quickly and effectively,” the report summary reads. “Among hiring managers who currently use an applicant tracking system (ATS), 100 percent agreed that their company needs to do more to integrate mobile recruiting technology into its current ATS.”

“With 48 percent of retailers planning to hire more seasonal workers, employers should not only rely on hiring software and recruitment marketing technologies, but offer unique perks to attract and retain talented temporary workers,” said Susan Vitale, chief marketing officer at iCIMS. “We wanted to provide employers with the tools and tips they need to make hiring decisions for the holidays, as retail and online sales are expected to be higher than last year’s sales.”

Job seekers looking to get hired this holiday season can view the full report here, and employers looking to enhance their holiday hiring process can reference these tips.

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The Future of Job Applications: Looking for Work Goes Mobile in India Wed, 06 May 2015 13:00:43 +0000 There’s been a jump in job applications submitted via mobile phone apps in India, according to a survey. When TimesJobs recently surveyed a contingent of larger companies, they indicated that as much as 20 percent of job applications they received came from mobile phones. That’s up from a range of zero to 10 percent...

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The Future of Job Applications Looking for Work Goes Mobile in IndiaThere’s been a jump in job applications submitted via mobile phone apps in India, according to a survey.

When TimesJobs recently surveyed a contingent of larger companies, they indicated that as much as 20 percent of job applications they received came from mobile phones. That’s up from a range of zero to 10 percent only a year ago.

TimesJobs is India’s premier career and recruitment portal, and one of the most successful ventures pursued by the Times of India Group. Launched in 2004, currently has a candidate database of more than 20 million registered job-seekers across levels and functions credited with more than 40 million page every month.

“The change comes with a jump in smartphone sales,” notes the report summary. “With almost the entire working population of India accessible on mobile phones, 65 per cent organizations have now built a comprehensive mobile recruitment strategy.”

To date, the hot fields for mobile app applications include hospitality, tourism, airlines, recruitment, and placement agencies.

“With search engines giving higher rankings to mobile friendly websites – mobile-based recruitment strategies are quickly evolving in India,” explained Vivek Madhukar, COO of “On the other hand, jobseekers have already started to search and apply for jobs using mobile mail, SMS, apps, and mobile networking.”

There’s still some reticence on the part of many companies, however. According to the survey, as many as 45 percent of surveyed organizations “expressed anxiety over mobile recruitment strategy.”


“While 60 percent of employers feel mobile recruitment is an easy and quick technique, only 25 percent organizations have a career section in their mobile apps,” continues the report announcement. “While 32 percent organizations want to implement mobile recruitment in the next six months, only 25 percent are planning to target candidates through mobile in the next year.”

But it is — despite reservations — the wave of the future.

“Mobile based hiring solutions are an inevitability and will be a core part of recruitment strategies in times ahead, since it not only removes barriers of availability and accessibility but also provides connections with the much larger passive candidate and casual jobseeker base,” said Madhukar.

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The Rise of the ‘Mobile Strategist’ Fri, 23 Jan 2015 14:00:28 +0000 It’s a new job title that may soon find its way to the posted job openings at your company (if it hasn’t already been advertised and filled). We’re referring to the “mobile strategist” — a key team member who will help keep a mobile-first strategy moving forward in one or multiple aspects of your business....

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A jigsaw of the words Plan and StrategyIt’s a new job title that may soon find its way to the posted job openings at your company (if it hasn’t already been advertised and filled).

We’re referring to the “mobile strategist” — a key team member who will help keep a mobile-first strategy moving forward in one or multiple aspects of your business.

“As mobile becomes ubiquitous in today’s enterprise – via apps, BYOD and the Internet of Things – 75 percent of companies have created roles to unify, manage and deploy mobile strategy across the organization,” reads a new report summary from Kinvey.

These new mobile-focused professionals are busy creating the overall mobile strategy, defining the mobile app dev and deployment platform, and measuring mobile’s impact and results.

A recent independent study, commissioned by Kinvey, reveals that while every organization varies slightly when it comes to the specific role and tasks of the Mobile Strategist, the majority focus on strategy, measurement, and development. In fact:

  • 47% report their role is to create the overall mobile strategy;
  • 40% focus on measuring mobile’s impact and results; and
  • 39% are responsible for creating a development platform.

“While there will always be improvements and tweaks to be made, ultimately it is a great sign for the future of mobility that enterprises are creating positions focused specifically on driving mobile forward,” says Sravish Sridhar, founder and CEO of Kinvey. “The research shows companies are finally recognizing the value mobile can deliver. One thing we can expect to see in 2015 and beyond is continued attention on specific ways enterprises can improve mobile processes, such as through more effective and efficient app development and deployment,” adds Sridhar.

To access the full report, click here.

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Losing Excellent Recruits to Mobile Inefficiency? Maybe it’s Time to Get SMART Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:00:54 +0000 Today there are millions of people applying for jobs on mobile devices but most recruiters and the companies they work for/with are still ill-prepared to benefit from this fact. Enter Bayard Advertising Agency, Inc. At the recent HR Tech Conference & Expo, they unveiled their new recruiting platform, nicknamed SMART, which they say will improve...

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Losing Excellent Recruits to Mobile inefficiency  Maybe it’s time to get SMARTToday there are millions of people applying for jobs on mobile devices but most recruiters and the companies they work for/with are still ill-prepared to benefit from this fact.

Enter Bayard Advertising Agency, Inc. At the recent HR Tech Conference & Expo, they unveiled their new recruiting platform, nicknamed SMART, which they say will improve recruiting performance on mobile as well as better connect excellent recruits and lower recruitment costs (See more about SMART here).

Eric Holwell, their VP of Client Services & Strategy, believes that today’s applicants are extremely frustrated with tracking systems that don’t work and strategies that don’t take into account the new technologies that are being used to search and find jobs. “We developed SMART because companies lose great candidate in large numbers every day,” he said at the Expo, adding that “the number of people applying for jobs on mobile is not going down, yet so few companies are ready for it.”

Holwell believes that SMART, because of its integrated recruiting strategies platform that includes sophisticated branding techniques, cost saving instruments and a new digital strategy, will both improve the experience that candidates have as well as increase qualified leads that companies receive while lowering their costs and giving them the metrics they need to determine if their strategies are working.

All of which, if it works as well as Holwell and Bayard claim, sounds pretty smart to us.

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4 Mobile Apps That Can Stop Social Media From Haunting Job Seekers Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:45:48 +0000 With over 800 million people actively using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on mobile, sharing photos, locations and status updates is an everyday occurrence for many people across the world. However, as American high school students apply for college and recent college graduates look for jobs, recruiters and employers are using the internet as an important...

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4 Mobile Apps That Can Stop Social Media From Haunting Job SeekersWith over 800 million people actively using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on mobile, sharing photos, locations and status updates is an everyday occurrence for many people across the world. However, as American high school students apply for college and recent college graduates look for jobs, recruiters and employers are using the internet as an important reference tool.

Millennials, or those born between the 1980s and early 2000s, are quickly learning that one inappropriate photo or tweet can potentially hinder their future.

With the notion that people shouldn’t be leaving a trail of their actions online, more people are using the following applications like the new Instagram Direct or CallSnap to avoid being tracked:

1.       CallSnap: CallSnap is an Android app launched by TIP Solutions that allows call recipients to instantly respond to an incoming call with a photo. The caller will receive a text message announcing ‘Busy right now…CallSnap photo on the way!’ It is perfect for any situation where answering a phone may be difficult, and still allows users to send a photo without posting it to social media.

2.       Snapchat: Users can snap a photo or a video, add a caption to it and then send it to all of their friends, letting them know what they are doing. Snapchat photos and videos are deleted after 1-10 seconds of being sent to the recipient, which allows users to show off what they are doing, while the evidence is erased in seconds.

3.       Instagram Direct: The most popular app for visual communication, Instagram has improved their app with the option to send private photos and videos to select friends.  Users are allowed to send this direct image or video to up to 15 friends at a time and can then view who has liked and commented on the direct message. This new feature helps users share those special or relevant moments with a smaller group of friends who can appreciate it as well.

4.     Wink!: Wink! allows users to photo chat with their friends on their phone by sending photos with captions to any of their contacts. It also allows recipients to comment on those photos.  Each photo lasts as long as the user wants and is private from anyone but friends.

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New Solution for Job Hunters Comes to Mobile Fri, 18 Oct 2013 08:32:16 +0000 Need to find a job? There’s an app for that. Actually, there are ten apps for that. The Job Search Solution, which bills itself as the nation’s only online job search process of its kind, is rolling out the first of ten Job Search Solution apps. The apps, we’re told, will be available as a...

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New Solution for Job Hunters Comes to MobileNeed to find a job? There’s an app for that.

Actually, there are ten apps for that.

The Job Search Solution, which bills itself as the nation’s only online job search process of its kind, is rolling out the first of ten Job Search Solution apps.

The apps, we’re told, will be available as a free download for a limited time in the iTunes App Store for iPhone/iPad, and as an HTML5 version soon to be released for Android, Windows, Blackberry and web browsers.

In short, these targeted app tutorials are designed to help job seekers to successfully manage the job search process – eliminating the tension and stress typically associated with securing employment.

“With 23 million Americans struggling to find work, this new mobile app represents convenience and significant value to job seekers,” says Tony Beshara, Ph.D., creator of The Job Search Solution.

“Built on a proven process that has helped more than 100,000 Americans find jobs or change careers, these comprehensive app tutorials offer practical guidance that helps people to land a new position or change careers,” says Dr. Beshara.

To learn more about the mobile offerings for job hunters, click here.

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Mashable Introduces Expansive New Job Board Tue, 27 Aug 2013 19:12:19 +0000 Need a job? Perhaps Mashable can help. “We are very excited to announce the launch of the new Mashable Job Board, Mashable’s Biz Dev Product Coordinator Sheffie Elencweig announced Tuesday. “If you’re searching for your dream job or looking to fish in a fresh candidate pool, check out the just-launched board now and see how...

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Mashable Introduces Expansive New Job BoardNeed a job? Perhaps Mashable can help.

“We are very excited to announce the launch of the new Mashable Job Board, Mashable’s Biz Dev Product Coordinator Sheffie Elencweig announced Tuesday. “If you’re searching for your dream job or looking to fish in a fresh candidate pool, check out the just-launched board now and see how we can help.”

We have introduced an array of new features to provide you with an enhanced job seeking and recruitment experience through Mashable. These improvements will allow us to better serve you as the leading destination for digital talent.

First introduced four years ago, Elencweig says the Mashable Job Board has become a hiring hub for more than 3,000 employers.
“We have showcased career opportunities from companies like Google, Edelman, Viacom, Yelp, American Express, NBC Universal, Digitas, and many others seeking to attract the Mashable audience,” she writes, noting that the mission is to connect companies like these with our engaged readers who live and breathe all things digital.

The new platform, however, “gives readers more opportunities to get noticed by employers and discover their open positions.”

To learn more, or perhaps to find a job, check out what Mashable now has to offer here.

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Steve Jobs Biopic Bombs at Box Office Mon, 19 Aug 2013 16:50:50 +0000 It was a rough weekend for Ashton Kutcher. The new biopic starring Kutcher as Steve Jobs tanked at the box office on its opening weekend. According to the WSJ, “Jobs” appears to be Hollywood’s version of the Apple Lisa. When the smoke had cleared, the movie finished in seventh place, generating only $6.7 million despite...

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Steve Jobs Biopic Bombs at Box OfficeIt was a rough weekend for Ashton Kutcher.

The new biopic starring Kutcher as Steve Jobs tanked at the box office on its opening weekend.

According to the WSJ, “Jobs” appears to be Hollywood’s version of the Apple Lisa.

When the smoke had cleared, the movie finished in seventh place, generating only $6.7 million despite opening broadly in the U.S. and Canada.

Critics characterized “Jobs” as lacking any of the attention to detail or stream-lined focus that Mr. Jobs brought to his projects.

Upsetting some movie goers was the fact that the film doesn’t chronicle Jobs’ triumphant return to the company he co-founded or any of his innovations that helped to make Apple what it is today.

Despite Jobs coming up short at the movies, a second film about the iconic CEO is now in the works.

Written by Aaron Sorkin and based on Walter Isaacson’s best-selling biography, this forthcoming film already has a positive buzz and is expected to be more critically and commercially successful than Jobs.

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