Google, Apple Not Interested in Twitter

What's Apple's Next MoveCNBC confirmed late Wednesday that Google and Apple are of the list of possible suitors for Twitter.

“According to sources close to the situation, Google does not currently plan to make a bid for Twitter,” the report explains.

While the search giant has been among the buyers considered most likely to be a contender for social communications company, those familiar with the deal said that the company was not moving forward with an effort to buy it at this time.

Sources connected to Recode have reportedly admitted the same about Apple.

CNBC says that Apple is also “unlikely to be one of the possible suitors, with one saying Twitter should have ‘low expectations’ of getting an offer from the tech giant.”

The most vociferous chatter regarding a takeover of the microblogging giant had been reserved for Salesforce in recent days. But even that speculation has diminished some as this week rolls along.

In a chat with MMW on Wednesday,  Juan Margenat, COO of Marfeel, a mobile ad tech company, suggested that Disney may profit from an acquisition of Twitter.

“Disney and Twitter may prove to be a powerful combination with Disney as a traditional media company and Twitter as a media tech company,” Margenat tells us. “Twitter is the fastest news distribution network and appeals to a younger generation and with their new video apps may support Disney’s ABC news and ESPN to create a dynamite empire that engages millennials more than traditional TV.”