Qualcomm has just unveiled its next- generation mobile processors for the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 tier – the Snapdragon 810 and 808 processors, which are designed to deliver “the ultimate connected mobile computing experiences in video, imaging and graphics.”
We are told that the Snapdragon 810 and 808 processors are Qualcomm Technologies’ highest performing platform to date, completing Qualcomm Technologies’ lineup of 64-bit enabled, LTE-equipped chipsets for premium mobile computing devices.
“The Snapdragon 810 and 808 processors enable an exceptional overall user experience with seamless connectivity and industry-leading power efficiency for flagship smartphones and tablets.” the company says.
In terms of the nuts and bolts in play, noth the Snapdragon 810 and Snapdragon 808 processors integrate Qualcomm Technologies’ 4th Generation Cat 6 LTE Advanced multimode modem together with support for the Qualcomm RF360 Front End Solution, and support 3x20MHz Carrier Aggregation, enabling speeds of up to 300 Mbps in the broadest set of spectrum deployment configurations to date.
“The announcement of the Snapdragon 810 and 808 processors underscore Qualcomm Technologies’ continued commitment to technology leadership and a time-to-market advantage for our customers for premium tier 64-bit LTE-enabled smartphones and tablets,” said Murthy Renduchintala, executive vice president of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and co-president, QCT. “These product announcements, in combination with the continued development of our next-generation custom 64-bit CPU, will ensure we have a tremendous foundation on which to innovate as we continue to push the boundaries of mobile computing performance in the years to come.”