Mobile-Minded Millennials Want Personalized Coupons

Mobile-Minded Millennials Want Personalized CouponsThe generation buried in student debt expects savings on-demand across all digital channels, is happy to share personal information in order to get more relevant savings offers, and prefers browsing store shelves to shopping online.

That’s one of the key finding straight out of “Uncovering Truths Of Millennial Spending,” a new report by Incorporated and research firm Bovitz, Inc.

To make the report happen, researchers surveyed 2,000 people in Millennial, Gen X and Boomer generations.
“Millennials are educated and realistic about their finances, ” said Seth Marlatt, Vice President of Analytics and Research at “Almost 70 percent closely monitor their budgets. Millennials embrace the idea of frugality, considering themselves smart shoppers, and take pride in educating themselves how to get the best deals when they want them.”

That often means heading to the store instead of online. While Millennials often use technology to conduct research before shopping, when it comes to buying groceries, 81 percent said they prefer shopping in store. More than 70 percent said they prefer in store for household goods, beauty and personal care items.

For Millennials, however, it’s all about “me.”

“Over 70 percent of Millennials said they are very or somewhat interested in personalized offers. To get that, they are happy to provide information about themselves,” the report summary notes.