‘Good’ News for Apple: iOS Still Dominates Enterprise

Apple remains large and in charge when it comes to dominating enterprise. That’s according to a new report from Good Technology.

On Tuesday, Good released its Q4 2012 Device Activation Report detailing smartphone and tablet devices activated amongst Good’s enterprise customers, which include half of the FORTUNE 100.

This quarter’s report showed a clear preference for iOS devices, which accounted for 77 percent of all activations and captured eight of the top ten spots on the most popular device list this quarter.

Not surprisingly, Apple’s iPhone 5 was the most popular device in Q4 of 2012, representing 32 percent of all activations for the quarter.

For Q4, Android activations dropped 6.3 percent as compared to Q4 2011. They still accounted for 22.7 percent of all activations for the quarter, which were primarily driven by Android tablets.

“CIOs today are able to realize increased productivity by supporting a diverse set of mobile products, while retaining security and control, and still provide their employee consumers with product choice,” says Christy Wyatt, CEO and President of Good Technology. “We continue to see more enterprise customers extending the accessibility of mobile applications to a broader employee population within their organizations.”

The full report can be viewed as PDF here.