B2B Professionals Still Struggle with Content Marketing, Though Many Agree It’s Valuable

B2B Professionals Still Struggle with Content Marketing, Though Many Agree It's ValuableWhat makes a successful content marketing program for B2B marketers?

That question, it appears, is difficult for many B2B professionals to answer.

Proof comes form the August, 2015 Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Marketing Profs survey. Sponsored by Brightcove, the survey revealed that while 88 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing and rate it effective, “36 percent had opposing views. (And) 44 percent of respondents remained neutral.”

The problem? Perhaps documentation.

“The lack of effectiveness may be due to B2B marketers not documenting their content strategy,” reports eMarketer. “Almost half of respondents said they had a content marketing strategy, but it was not documented and 20 percent either had no documented strategy or were unsure. Nonetheless, 76 percent of B2B marketers said they expect to produce more content in 2016 compared to 2015, demonstrating that while clarity around content marketing may be lacking, marketers are still aware of its value and are continuing to leverage it.”

The survey showed that B2B organizations use a variety of different ones to drive desired results.

Social media content, excluding blogs, is the most used tactic.

“Among the select social media sites and apps used to distribute content, 94 percent of B2B marketers said they used LinkedIn,” according to eMarketer. “The business-oriented social network service also ranked highest in terms of effectiveness. Facebook and Twitter rounded out the top three.”