ScanLife Mobile Barcode Trend Report: 2D Codes Outpacing 1D, 400K UPC Scans Per Mo.

Mobile barcode powerhouse ScanLife has published it’s “mobile barcode Q2 2011 trend report” which details some impressive statistics on the growth of mobile barcodes in general and ScanLife as a provider.

The company says it’s now processing more than one scan per second, compared to just 10 scans per minute a year ago.  What’s impressive is the numbers coming out of North America, where mobile barcodes have never quite caught on like in Japan and Europe.  ScanLife estimates that roughly 45 million people in North America have a code scanning app on their device today.  This is largely attributed to the surge is smartphone ownership, which is adding to a rise in usage of more advanced mobile functionality across the board.

Some other interesting stats from the report include the fact that scans come to ScanLife from over 125 countries each and every day, and 2D barcodes are now outpacing 1D barcodes — representing a major shift from 2010.  The report shows that 45,000 2D barcodes were generated from the ScanLife platform in the second quarter, representing a 300% increase from the same time last year.  In addition, over 400,000 unique UPC codes on products were scanned by the ScanLife app in a single month and the number of females scanning barcodes increased 13%, which shows the continued trend towards mainstream success.

The full report is available for download here.