PreTesting Group Offers Up Real-World Insight Into How Consumers Interact With iPad Advertising

PreTesting Group Offers Up Real-World Insight Into How Consumers Interact With iPad AdvertisingPreTesting Group, a unique company specializing in real-world testing of marketing and advertising creative, today announced it has developed technology to allow brands to measure real-world involvement with advertising on the iPad.

Using its patented “People Reader” technology, the company uses two hidden cameras to monitors how people read the iPad and measures how much time respondents spend on advertising.  It’s a pretty unique concept, here’s how it works;

Each test group respondent will be shown two mocked-up iPad applications or other iPad executions containing advertising.  The respondent will be told that an app developer is interested in his/her opinion on the proposed application.  The respondent will be instructed to interact with the app at his/her own pace so that he/she may answer some general questions regarding the app features once he/she has completed using the app.

The app will include a representative number of content and advertisements targeted toward the interests of the consumer.  The test ad, a competitive ad (if applicable) as well as a “filler” ad will appear in each app so that the respondent can receive two exposures to the advertising.

When it’s all said and done, the process should measure the overall effectiveness of the iPad advertisement through five aspects;

1) Involvement: Did consumers read the advertising as measured by the PeopleReader?
2) Recall: Was the advertising memorable to consumers?
3) Communication: Did the advertising communicate the main message?
4) Imagery: Did the advertising favorably impact the brand image?
5) Persuasion: Did the advertising persuade consumers to buy the product?
  1. Involvement: Did consumers read the advertising as measured by the PeopleReader?
  2. Recall: Was the advertising memorable to consumers?
  3. Communication: Did the advertising communicate the main message?
  4. Imagery: Did the advertising favorably impact the brand image?
  5. Persuasion: Did the advertising persuade consumers to buy the product?

It’s a rather unique approach to giving real-world insight into how potential ad-units and methods work on the iPad, or any other device for that matter.  It should be interesting to see what kind of data PreTesting releases after going through a few trials with the iPad, and whether a select group of users can adequately indicate the future engagement of advertisements on the iPad.