Shares of Apple Reach New All Time Highs

Shares of Apple Reach New All Time HighsFollowing a protracted period of turmoil on Wall Street for Apple that has loomed large over CEO Tim Cook’s tenure at the helm and in the shadow of Steve Jobs, Apple has finally retraced its losses to touch new all-time highs on Wall Street this week.

After a record close on Tuesday, shares of AAPL drifted higher again Wednesday, seemingly bolstered by the unrelenting momentum of last week’s powerful and inspiring earnings report.

Although it remains to be seen if AAPL will move any higher than $107 this week, a growing number of industry analysts and market watchers now believe the next stop for AAPL is $120.

If Apple has the blockbuster holiday quarter investors are calling for, Apple will likely encounter very few issues excelling well beyond current projections early in the new year.

“Since May 20,” Apple Insider reports, “Apple’s share have appreciated 23.57 percent and have paid out a one-half percent dividend. IBM, in contrast, has consistently trailed Apple’s upward climb throughout the year and is currently down 12.55 percent. The company is gearing up for additional growth in 2015, having reported an all time high $1.7 billion investment in research & development in the last quarter, contributing toward $6 billion in R&D spending for fiscal 2014.”