Lead Liaison Launches Sales and Marketing University

Lead Liaison, a leading sales and marketing solutions provider, announced this week the launch of their Sales and Marketing University. The learning platform is designed to be a streamlined source of information and education pertaining to the products and services offered by Lead Liaison.

Plans have been established to include premium content from third parties as well. Over time the company will add valuable course content to help individuals and companies with general sales and marketing concepts, strategies, and core principles.

An overwhelming increase in new customers and general demand pushed Lead Liaison in the direction to create a way for their clients to learn more, faster. The University is intended to be a very broad marketplace for learning; a central repository for premium sales and marketing content.

Lead Liaison’s Sales and Marketing University awards certifications and badges as each course is mastered. It also hosts training videos for students to learn at their own pace and provides students with the tools they need to become proficient in their marketing and sales solutions.

“Our company was granted early access to Lead Liaison’s Sales and Marketing University,” says Crystal Berry, Marketing Manager at Validis. “There is so much helpful information! I plan on having both our sales and marketing teams collect certifications in all courses. I’ve communicated with our CEO that the sales team getting certified in marketing and sales automation is a value add for them. We could all benefit from knowing more about how to be more effective and efficient with our sales and marketing efforts.”

To learn more about Lead Liaison’s Sales and Marketing University, click here.