JitterJam Social/Email/Mobile Marketing Platform Now Available In Google Apps Marketplace

JitterJam Social Email Mobile Marketing Platform Now Available In Google Apps MarketplaceJitterJam has created a unique Web-based marketing platform centered around social, email and mobile marketing- and today announced the innovative platform is available as part of the Google Apps Marketplace.

JitterJam formally describes itself as “an integrated, multi-channel social marketing platform focused on developing and deepening customer relationships from light touch social connections into qualified prospects all the way into committed customers and lifelong advocates.”  The platform combines social media, e-mail and mobile marketing tools on top of an intelligent contact database.

Through its integration with Google Apps, it allows users to sign on to JitterJam with a Google account or Google Apps e-mail address; to connect to Google Calendar to record all scheduled and delivered JitterJam outbound communications and promotions; and to flow e-mails received through a Gmail inbox with JitterJam’s powerful database and communications tools.

The platform brings a lot to the table in terms of Google Apps users, including social monitoring and engagement through Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed; e-mail marketing integration with Constant Contact and MailChimp; mobile marketing through a native text messaging campaign tool; tracking of campaigns on a per-message basis; multi-channel message creation and scheduling; targeted campaign creation and management; a multi-channel opt-in system; and much more.

Aiming to be truly comprehensive, JitterJam has done a good job at partnering with leaders in the respective industries of email, social and mobile marketing to bring the best of each into one central, Web-based platform.

“JitterJam is committed to easy to implement, easy to use, easy to succeed, web-based solutions that businesses and marketing agencies can utilize anytime, anywhere. So, integrating with Google Apps was a logical choice for us,” says Ric Pratte, President and CEO. “We’ve made it extremely easy for Google Apps customers to get a powerful, web-based multi-channel marketing application that works seamlessly with their Google messaging and collaboration applications.”

I’ve long been a fan of Google Apps- coming from a long history with Microsoft Exchange, switching to Google Apps was a very welcome and joyous occasion for me.  The introduction of the Google Apps Marketplace is what sealed the deal for me, and I already use several third-party integrations on a daily basis.  Choosing to integrate with Google Apps was a very smart move on behalf of JitterJam, and the platform will likely gain substantial traction because of it.

“We are very excited to have JitterJam in the Google Apps Marketplace,” says Scott McMullan, Google Apps Partner Lead for Google Enterprise. “Software vendors like JitterJam are helping us build a rich ecosystem of integrated applications that work seamlessly with our platform, allowing IT administrators to leverage the benefits of cloud computing and extend Google Apps to meet more of their business needs.”