Forget terrorists, it’s the hackers who will soon pose the greatest threat to U.S. security. That’s according to FBI Director Robert Mueller.
The AP reported Friday that this was the message from the FBI boss during a speech to a group of cybersecurity experts on Thursday.
The dangers posed by organized cyber-crime, rogue hacktivists and computer breaches backed by foreign governments have become a focus for the FBI.
“We are losing data, we are losing money, we are losing ideas and we are losing innovation,” Mueller said. “Together we must find a way to stop the bleeding.”
Mueller says counterterrorism remains the agency’s top priority, but the FBI “has retooled to prepare for Internet-based aggressors.”
According to the AP report, “cyber-squads” in every FBI field office “now monitor for crimes ranging from mortgage and health care fraud to child exploitation and terror recruiting.”
Are you concerned with the spread of computer hacking and the dangers posed by cyber criminals to national security?