Beacon-Triggered Mobile Moments: inMarket Platform Impacts $14.5 Billion Black Weekend Sales

Has Black Friday Marketing Infiltrated Your Thanksgiving Reaching people where they’re at — in stores and on mobile — looks more and more promising every day.

Now comes news that inMarket’s beacon platform, which reaches 50MM monthly active app users, influenced as much as $14.5 billion in consumer spending in physical stores during Black Friday Weekend 2016.

Today, more than 84 percent of shoppers use their mobile devices inside stores, with 55 percent of shoppers saying they use their phones specifically to bolster purchase decisions. In fact, beacon-triggered mobile moments perform 5 times better than traditional mobile engagements.

“inMarket’s beacon detections were up 370 percent on Black Friday in 2016 versus 2015,” said the company in a release this week. “The spike in detections is a direct result of consumer location adoption, beacon rollouts in top retailers, and proven consumer experience enhancements.”

According to inMarket, hardware is “only half the equation to create a successful ecosystem.”

“Beacons require apps to “listen and respond” to complete the circuit. As of Q4 2016, inMarket reaches more than one out of every four smartphone owners in the United States via top apps,” notes the company.

This is the reason why beacon-based mobile campaigns have become a top priority for the world’s largest advertisers. For instance, inMarket experienced a 223 percent growth in clients on its beacon platform in 2016 and now serves more than 200 top brands and retailers including Heineken, Clorox, Energizer, and Rite Aid. One client, Johnsonville Sausage, experienced a 24 percent sales lift versus control stores, thanks to in-store mobile engagement via inMarket.

“Over our six-plus year history, we’ve seen a lot of trends in the echo chamber. The guiding light for us has been to drive value for consumers enabled by new technology. We focus on the user, not the tech or the hardware,” said Todd Dipaola, CEO of inMarket. “The world has never experienced a more disruptive or relied-upon technology than mobile, and I have never seen anything as powerful within mobile as the precision data and personalized experiences created from beacons. The hundreds of partners in our beacon system agree.”