Wine Makes Introduction of Android to Windows Apps

Over the weekend, software that enables Windows apps to run on Android devices came to light in a fascinating demonstration at the Fosdem 2013 open source conference.

A freshly touted new version of the Wine compatibility layer that allows Windows software to run on Unix-like operating systems was demoed running on Android.

Wine, if you’re not familiar, stands for “Wine Is Not an Emulator.”

Nick Heath of ZDNet says the demo “showed Wine running on an emulated Android environment.”

Phoronix reports the performance of Wine on Android to be “horrendously slow” but says these problems were attributed to it running on an emulated environment rather than a native Android OS.

As of this writing, there’s no formal news as to when the masses may gain access to the Wine release, but the prospect is an intriguing one that continues to generate substantial talk and headlines today.

To read more from Mr. Heath’s report, click here.