Microsoft Dumps Tag Mobile Barcode Program

Microsoft Dumps Tag Mobile Barcode ProgramMicrosoft is relinquishing its Tag mobile barcode program, licensing the technology that once made the program possible to Scanbuy. a thriving mobile engagement services provider.

Microsoft also announced Monday that it will shut down the Microsoft Tag Service in two years from today’s date – August 19, 2015.

For current Microsoft Tag customers, for the next two years the Microsoft Tag Service will continue running as it has been, we’re told.

All Microsoft Tags in the market will continue to work, new codes can be generated, and scan reports will be available as usual through the Microsoft Tag Service until August 19, 2015.

Scanbuy plans to support Microsoft Tag Technology on the ScanLife platform beginning no later than Sept. 18, 2013, and to offer transition and migration services to Microsoft Tag customers who choose to migrate to the ScanLife platform. This transition path will help current Microsoft Tag customers to continue running campaigns using Microsoft Tags on the ScanLife platform.

“With the most popular mobile engagement platform in the industry, Scanbuy is a great choice for Microsoft Tag customers to continue to grow their mobile engagement programs,” said Eric Engstrom, General Manager at Microsoft. “Scanbuy is highly focused in this area with an impressive track record and stellar technology which made them a natural partner for licensing the Microsoft Tag technology.”