Size Does Matter: Adobe Weighs in on Smartphone Screens

Size Does Matter Adobe Weighs in on Smartphone ScreensThis week, MMW was privy to a new report from Adobe, which analyzes the latest mobile trends including Wi-Fi versus cellular usage, the correlation of screen size and browser market share, etc.

Here’s one of the key findings that jumped out at us on Monday: the screen size of the next generation iPhone must increase to reverse the decline in mobile browser market share.

Fortunately for Apple, fewer than 24 hours after this report was issued, Apple wowed the tech world by unveiling two new iPhones — iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus — both of which offer larger screens than previous versions of the popular Apple handset.

“The mobile landscape is constantly evolving and mobile needs to be front and center of any digital marketing strategy to keep up with technology innovations and consumer expectations,” said John Mellor, vice president of strategy and business development at Adobe Marketing Cloud. “Major brands face tremendous competition in the battle for reaching mobile consumers. 2015 will be a game changing year for marketers who must deliver highly personalized content across screens.”