First Look: Mobile Marketing Association Reveals the Shortlists for the Global and North America SMARTIES Business Impact Index

As mobile becomes “central to building business growth for brands,” per the Mobile Marketing Association, the MMA has revealed the first-ever shortlists of the MMA SMARTIES Business Impact Index for both Global and North America markets.

The Business Impact Index is the world’s only ranking of the marketing industry’s top agencies, marketers, brands and technology providers delivering the highest level of business impact through mobile-first campaigns.

“As demands placed on brands are higher than ever, it is critical that marketers and their agencies understand the true impact campaigns have against marketing objectives, both on an individual basis as well as their cumulative efforts,” says Sheryl Daija, Chief Strategy Officer, MMA. “The SMARTIES Business Impact Index forces focus on what ultimately matters, overall business growth. With this expansion to the SMARTIES program, which already identifies and recognizes the most innovative mobile campaigns, the Index now benchmarks what success looks like and the SMARTIES Case Study Hub gives our membership the most comprehensive body of leading work that inspires, guides and informs future advances in mobile marketing.”

The methodology for the MMA SMARTIES Business Impact Index was developed in close collaboration with WARC, the global authority on advertising and media effectiveness. The rankings leverage the finalist and winner data from the previous year’s (in this case 2017) SMARTIES Awards programs across the globe using a proprietary methodology to determine the business impact, assigning points to campaigns and the organizations.

“We were happy to partner with the MMA and lend our expertise to produce a benchmark and guidance to the industry for what matters in the emerging mobile marketing space,” says David Tiltman, Head of Content at WARC. “The MMA SMARTIES Business Impact Index will show what work is making the most impact, which agencies are leading the pack and driving change, and what success in mobile looks like.”

The 2018 SMARTIES Awards is now open to accept entries. For more information or to submit work for consideration, visit