Tech Innovators Head to NASDAQ Friday

wallstreetVRJournal was first to report this week that Momentum — producers of VRevolution (a conference and event for business leaders in Virtual and Augmented Reality) — will ring the NASDAQ closing bell this Friday, December 16th.

The conference, event and bell ceremony will take place at the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square, New York.

“Featuring the most innovative VR companies and the leading brands who are driving the use of the technology, VRevolution has quickly become the essential meeting place for those at the forefront of these new technologies,” a company statement is quoted by VRJ.

If you’re not familiar, however, the tech innovator certainly has the credibility to back up the hype.

“With more than 300 registered brand attendees looking forward to hearing presentations from Ford, GE, Wayfair, BMW, AP, ABInBev and Columbia Records among others, this event caps a transformative year for the VR & AR Industry – and the first time the industry has been honored with the bell ceremony on the tech-oriented NASDAQ exchange,” says Event Producer Marni Edelhart.