Black Friday is Golden for Mobile Marketers as Consumers Hunted for In-Store Deals

business-690675_960_720Looks like Black Friday was a golden day for marketers serving mobile consumers.

According to Google’s data, “super shoppers continued to turn to their devices for ideas and information as well as use them as a “door-to-the-store” on Black Friday. In fact, the day after Thanksgiving scored the highest mobile shopping searches of any day during Thanksgiving week this year.

The second biggest burst? Thanksgiving Day itself — with searches peaking after the turkey was put away at about 8:00 p.m.

“Shoppers across the U.S. turned to mobile to not only find the best deals online but also to discover the best deals in-store,” reports Google’s AdWords blog. “Rhode Island and Delaware had the most local shopping search interest  — searches that contained “near me,” “hours” and “stores” — of any states in the nation.”

Google is noting a “strong link between the online and physical world.” The company reports that — in just under two years — advertisers globally have measured more than 3 billion store visits fired up by mobile searches.

“Store foot traffic jumped 65 percent on Black Friday, compared to an average weekend day in November, showing that consumers still care about going into stores for holiday shopping,” notes the blog post. “Clothing, toy, and electronic stores were all popular destinations. Clothing stores and toy stores saw more than double the foot traffic on Black Friday compared to an average weekend day in November.”

Another popular destination? Electronics stores. They experienced more than double the foot traffic on Thanksgiving Day and more than triple the foot traffic on Black Friday, compared to an average weekend day in November.