4C Connects TV with Social Media for Double Whammy of Multi-Screen Brand Outreach

4C Connects TV with Social Media for Double Whammy of Multi-Screen Brand Outreach4C, a data science company helping to power the future of advertising, has just announced its first product integration with Teletrax technology.

The new offering is said to enhance the ability of advertisers to deliver precise multi-screen and multi-channel advertising.

That means that now, for the first time, brands can serve ads on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at the same time their ads, or competitors’ ads, are running on television.

And that — in a word — could be huge.

“4C’s TV Synced Ads powered by Teletrax identifies TV programs and commercials within seconds of broadcast and triggers digital campaigns for synchronization and/or competitive response,” according to a statement provided to MMW. “These ads can be delivered through social, video, display, and search channels across phone, desktop, and tablet devices for truly integrated marketing. This enables advertisers to reach the right people, with the right content, at the right place and time.”

Other advantages are that marketers can leverage targeting based on predictive data science, capitalize on pre-optimized, custom audience segments, and manage complex campaigns with simplicity through bulk editing, smart groups, and auto-optimization tools.

“The 4C and Teletrax product integration provides a solution for marketers to reach today’s consumers given their multi-tasking and multi-screening behavior,” explains the company. “Sixty one percent of U.S. TV viewers simultaneously use phones, laptops, or tablets while watching TV (TiVo, 2014). While watching primetime TV and commercials, 71 percent visit a social media platform during the commercial and 64 percent visit a social media platform during the TV show.”

“To keep pace with changing consumer interests on multiple devices, advertisers must be nimble and more thoughtful when developing strategies to reach relevant audiences,” said Dr. Alok Choudhary, 4C Founder and Chief Scientist. “This powerful offering, which is based on proven data science, provides advertisers with many layers of multi-screen targeting and yields more precise engagement and ultimately a better brand experience and outcome.”