Thanksgiving Day Online Sales Saw Big Jump Year Over Year

Thanksgiving Day Online Sales Saw Big Jump Year Over YearMany speculate that the 2014 holiday shopping season will bring a record year of revenue for retailers, but it is still far too early to tell.

That being said, the numbers are already in for 2014 Thanksgiving Day sales. While many retailers stay closed on Thanksgiving Day, most launched their sales online one day prior to Black Friday this year.

As a whole, online sales for Thanksgiving 2014 grew 12.2%, with mobile sales accounting for 74% of that traffic. This means that mobile Thanksgiving Day shopping grew an impressive 26.1% percent over 2013.

iOS owners spent the most while shopping on their mobile devices, averaging $121 per sale. Android users on the other hand averaged around $97 per sale.

Retailers are finally grasping the fact that mobile makes shopping more convenient because individuals can quickly and easily cash in on the holiday sales while commuting to and from family members, not to and from brick-and-mortar stores.

So, did you engage in Thanksgiving Day online shopping this year from a mobile device?