The team at Trend Micro announced today that its prediction for 2013 has come true.
And that’s unfortunate.
“With three months to spare before the year ends,” the security software firm said today, “our prediction that mobile threats, specifically malware and high-risk apps reaching the 1 million mark has finally come true.”
Regrettably, the company’s latest Mobile App Reputation data indicates that there are now 1 million mobile malware (such as premium service abusers) and high-risk apps (apps that aggressively serve ads that lead to dubious sites).
Among the 1 million questionable apps we found, 75% perform outright malicious routines, while 25% exhibits dubious routines, which include adware.
“To keep your devices safe,” Trend Micro warns, “it is important to treat your devices like your PC counterparts specially when it comes to security. Be wary of downloading apps and make sure to read the comments section and developer details.”