SF AppShow Archives - Mobile Marketing Watch https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/tag/sf-appshow/ Thu, 08 Nov 2012 21:44:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/cropped-MMW_LOGO__3_-removebg-preview-32x32.png SF AppShow Archives - Mobile Marketing Watch https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/tag/sf-appshow/ 32 32 Airpush Teams with Mobile App Security Specialists at Appthority https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/airpush-teams-with-mobile-app-security-specialists-at-appthority/ Thu, 08 Nov 2012 21:44:35 +0000 http://www.mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=26748 With Airpush having recently been honored as the “Best Mobile Ad Network” of 2012 at last month’s Mobile Excellence Awards, the thriving Android mobile ad network is now taking a number of smart steps to strengthen its ground in one category that is becoming of greater importance with each passing year to developers, mobile advertisers,...

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With Airpush having recently been honored as the “Best Mobile Ad Network” of 2012 at last month’s Mobile Excellence Awards, the thriving Android mobile ad network is now taking a number of smart steps to strengthen its ground in one category that is becoming of greater importance with each passing year to developers, mobile advertisers, and consumers alike: mobile security.

On Thursday, Airpush announced what some are calling a major initiative to help eliminate malware distribution.

The announcement came at the SF AppShow where Airpush confirmed its partnership with Appthority, a leading and highly respected expert force in mobile app security.

“Mobile malware has been a thorn in the side of the thriving app ecosystem,” said Kevin Watkins, CTO and co-founder of Appthority. “We are proud to assist Airpush with the technology that improves the state of security across the app world. Airpush is being proactive by attacking the malware problem at its source distribution and that demonstrates their commitment to protecting their customers.”

Airpush says the partnership will integrate Appthority’s mobile security technology directly into the Airpush platform. The result will be a comprehensive scanning of all advertiser app promotions and URLs. This naturally serves as a nice supplementary level of security in Airpush’s manual approval process.

By integrating Appthority’s technology directly into its platform, Airpush has “virtually eliminated the threat of mobile malware distribution via its network of over 50,000 applications.”

To learn more about Airpush, click here.

The post Airpush Teams with Mobile App Security Specialists at Appthority appeared first on Mobile Marketing Watch.
