Are Mobile App Developers Finally Making What They Deserve?

Are Mobile App Developers Finally Making What They Deserve2015 may be a very rewarding year financially for iOS mobile app developers. If 2014 was any indication of the upward trend in income among app developers, this new year could bring with it some serious green for those who stick with their craft.

Although Android apps continue to enjoy record downloads (and Android developers are narrowing the earnings gap with rival iOS app developers), Apple continues to steal the show — and the headlines — when it comes to showcasing just how much cash a developer can earn today.

In case you missed it, Apple recently announced that the first week of January set a new record for billings from the App Store with customers spending nearly half a billion dollars on apps and in-app purchases all over the world.

What’s more, New Year’s Day 2015 marked the single biggest day ever in App Store sales history.

These milestones aside, the app developer community took notice of another fact confirmed by Apple. Last year alone, apps generated over $10 billion in revenue for developers.

“To date,” Apple said in a news release, “App Store developers have earned a cumulative $25 billion from the sale of apps and games. The introduction of iOS 8, the most significant iOS update ever, gave developers the ability to create amazing new apps and offers innovative features which proved wildly popular with App Store customers around the world.”

In short, developers are starting to make the money they deserve. And the trend is poised to keep along.

So just how much will developers earn this year? Apple hasn’t put forward any projections, but some analysts believe $15 to $20 billion isn’t out of the question.