Google Singing a New Tune in Battle with Apple

Google Singing a New Tune in Battle with AppleOn Wednesday, Google rolled out its new music streaming subscription service.

Hailed as “YouTube Music Key,” the service is a direct challenger to Apple’s Beats music platform, as it delivers streaming music directly from YouTube.

Google confirmed that YouTube Music Key, now in beta, will cost $7.99 per month during the promotional period before settling at $9.99 a month.

“You’ve asked us for ways to listen to music without ads, to keep playing music videos even if you lock the screen or start using another app, and to play music even if you’re not connected to the Internet,” reads today’s formal announcement. “That’s why today we’re introducing YouTube Music Key beta, a monthly subscription service… that will give you all that—ads-free music, background play and offline viewing.”

For Apple, this new service represents what could be its biggest challenger among new streaming music services to enter the market in recent years.

To learn more about Google’s new streaming music platform, check out the video below.
