Just in case the HD capability on your television has rendered you completely unable to enjoy any video footage of a lesser quality, Aricent, a full-service, full-spectrum communications software company, is coming to the rescue. And the thriving industry of mobile multimedia entertainment may never again be quite the same.
At the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona, Spain, Aricent announced that it has developed high-definition video and audio encoders and decoders (codecs) for Texas Instruments latest mobile technology.
As a result, mobile customers will be able to use their cell phone as a HD quality player and download high resolution HD content on their phone for playback on an HDTV screen or use the mobile phone as a DVD-quality camcorder recording in high resolution.
According to the official press release, Aricent’s multimedia codecs were designed specifically for TI’s OMAP3430 processor. Aricent’s multimedia software on the processor is designed for multiple mobile platforms like Linux, Symbian and Windows Mobile.
According to Markus Tremmel, worldwide wireless ecosystem manager Texas Instruments, “The next generation of mobile phones will support multimedia features previously available only with high-end consumer electronics. Using the processing power of the OMAP3430 processor, for the first time companies like Aricent are delivering better-than DVD-quality record and playback capabilities for mobile handsets.”
The Aricent high-definition codecs are expected to cultivate a whole new class of mobile multimedia experience. “This software,” says Sajal Gupta, head of products at Aricent, “will allow consumers to record and play high-definition 720p video from their mobile phone, automotive entertainment system or personal media player.”