Google, Yahoo Taking Serious Steps to Mitigate Online and Mobile Ad Fraud

Google, Yahoo Taking Serious Steps to Mitigate Online and Mobile Ad FraudHow many times have you accessed an online ad only to have it take you to something completely different? Or even worse, steal your information? Well, if this has happened to you, you are not alone.

Fear not, however, Yahoo and Google are taking action to stop it. These two powerhouse companies are attempting to have all of their online ads HTTPS encrypted. In this way, you would know the ad you’re clicking on is legitimate.

Once the coding is complete, you will not have to worry about where a link takes you, or whether your personal information is safe. Mediapost quotes Yahoo VP of Revenue Management and Ad Policy James Deaker, who describes what he calls “perhaps the largest-ever transition to SSL encryption for any publisher with display ads. Yahoo recently implemented an end-to-end encryption extension for Yahoo Mail, and strengthening security everywhere else along the advertising supply chain will help to create a safer Internet.”

Other companies are already utilizing HTTPS encoded advertising and now Google and Yahoo are following suit.