Mobile Convenience Comes Home: Get Ready to Ship Packages from Home Via App

Mobile Convenience Comes Home Get Ready to Ship Packages from Home Via AppImagine this scenario: you’re at home or work and have a package you need to mail out, but don’t have the time to leave your other chores. No need to worry – with just a couple taps and a picture from your smartphone or tablet, Shyp can do it for you.

Shyp is an app that sends a delivery person to you to pick up an item that needs to be mailed. Don’t have a box? No worries. Shyp will package the item for you and figure out what shipping method is most cost-effective. All of this for just a flat $5 fee per item.

Currently Shyp services are only available in San Francisco, New York City (Manhattan and Brooklyn), Miami, and Los Angeles. However, they will ship across the United States and around the world. In addition, Shyp is working on a deal to allow consumers to return items to popular retailers such as Amazon, Gap, J. Crew, and Nordstrom.

Now, you might wonder how Shyp makes its money? Shyp has worked out discounts with the major shipping companies in addition to its service fee of $5 per item. But what about those companies, how do they view Shyp? John Doeer, investor and member of the board of directors of Shyp tells Fortune that they have “talked to high level executives at both companies, and the shipping giants see Shyp as a ‘complimentary network.’” Gibbo

For more information on this unique and convenient app, see the full article at Fortune.