Are geo-targeted tweets really more powerful than search?
If you ask a knowledgeable source at Lenovo, the answer lands squarely in the affirmative. And here’s why.
According to a new case study presented by Twitter, Lenovo’s search marketing manager for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, indicates that geo-targeted tweets are far more effective than search when it comes to fostering engagement and boosting sales.
During Gadget Show Live, the brand also turned to Promoted Tweets to generate sales. @Lenovo_UK created a Flock to Unlock campaign, directing Twitter users to retweet in order to get special discounts on Lenovo products. After a certain number of Twitter users retweeted its message, @Lenovo_UK shared a deal code that people could only get on Twitter.
“The real-time quality of Twitter is brilliant,” observes Lenovo’s Andy Murray. “It lets you tap into exactly what your audience cares about most. There’s also real potential to drive action and have a strong sales impact with something like a fantastic offer or a giveaway. Twitter campaigns are also much more flexible. They allow you to make creative or strategic changes that you can’t with more traditional ad buys. Plus, geo-targeted Twitter Ads are powerful and can outperform search.”
So what makes Murray believe that Twitter can outperform search?
Lenovo’s reliance upon Promoted Accounts to attract followers and Promoted Tweets to generate improved visibility had an enormously positive impact. The effort drove $27,000 in direct revenue, an approximately 700% spike in brand mentions, and more than 2,500 new followers.