Website Magazine Ranks Top 50 “Movers & Shakers” In Mobile Services

Website Magazine, a print and digital publication tailored to “Website professionals,” has published its latest “Top 50 Movers and Shakers in Mobile Services” list.

As you can imagine, nearly every mobile company we cover each and every day here on MMW has a spot on the list, with some surprises near the top.  The magazine says its ranks are calculated using a “proprietary method that focuses on average daily unique visitors and page views over a specified period of time, as reported by multiple data sources.”  Though unique visitors and page views alone shouldn’t necessarily determine the top “movers and shakers,” it does provide a unique glimpse into which companies are driving the most traffic these days.

While we won’t go through the entire list, the top 10 includes OfferMobi in the number 10 position, followed by, Onbite, Greystripe, Mofuse, Flurry and Usablenet.  The top 3 include Trumpia at #3, AdMob at #2 and mobileStorm in the number one spot.  Surprisingly, several seemingly large mobile providers came up low on the list, such as Medialets (#28), Smaato (#24) and JumpTap (#16).  For the full list and article, head on over to Website Magazine.