Will NFC Kill Your Car Keys?

Will NFC Kill Your Car KeysAre car keys a thing of the past? If the team at NXP Semiconductors is correct in their vision, mobile devices will soon be the mechanism through which automobiles are unlocked and perhaps even started.

According to a new report from Reuters, Apple’s adoption of Near Field Communications technology is a game-changer for the future of NFC.

“Once they saw these announcements in September they kind of realized there was no going back on this technology so they better get moving and be quick on it,” Drue Freeman, Senior Vice President for global automotive sales and marketing at NXP, is quoted by Reuters.

It’s no coincidence that the company has just introduced a new lineup of NFC components made just for automobiles.

For now, Freeman won’t confirm which car makers might be among the first to integrate the technology, but European luxury car makers could roll out the first wave of NFC-ready rides in under two years.