WiFi 'Leading the Charge' for Smartglasses, Say Analysts

WiFi 'Leading the Charge' for Smartglasses, Say AnalystsAlthough the smartglasses phenomenon is palpable, it is far from ubiquitous.

Despite offerings like Google Glass impressing many, these wearable devices remain a rare sighting in the world because of numerous barriers to adoption – everything from cost to availability (Google Glass still isn’t available for all to purchase).

Of course, that is expected to change soon. But more factors are in play than we realize when it comes to driving the demand for smartglasses.

According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, wireless technologies will play a pivotal role in the emerging wearable devices market.
In 2015 Smartglass shipments will see WiFi penetration of 79 percent. Devices from major brands such as Google and Samsung will be key to driving wearables growth for the next five years.

“For the Smartglasses user, WiFi is a key enabler, allowing the user to upload HD video (recorded on the device) to video sharing services,” says Matt Wilkins, Director at Strategy Analytics. “As a result we forecast global WiFi-enabled smartglasses penetration of 79 percent in 2015, at 4 million units up from 1.2 million in 2014. While Google is a driving force in Smartglasses today, we have to think Samsung and Apple are also eyeing the segment and will be potential long-term rivals.”

Neil Mawston, Executive Director at Strategy Analytics, added, “Wireless technology is enabling owners of wearable devices, such asĀ  Smartglasses, to both share created content as well as consume content.”

The firm’s newest report – Global Smartglasses Enabling Technologies Forecast: 2013 to 2018 – is available now.