Tru Optik Releases Advertising Platform Built For OTT

Connected TV Will Surge by End of 2015 Programmatic Monetization GrowingTru Optik, a media-intelligence and ad-tech company, wants to be the “salvation of the media industry” by bringing the precision and scale of digital targeting to Connected TV and other OTT screens.

Ahead of the weekend, the company launched its Audience Monetization Platform (AMP), which combines data-management, campaign-activation and audience-measurement capabilities to enable media companies and advertisers to segment, measure and engage OTT audiences with unprecedented accuracy and reach.

Fifty billion dollars is a lot of money. That is the expected value of advertising and subscription fees for OTT (over-the-top) video streaming services by 2020. OTT services include the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sony Crackle, and Hulu, as well as a host of entries from major publishers, television networks and well-funded upstarts.

“Understanding the online viewing behavior of the nearly one billion consumers who stream and download TV, movies, and video games over the Internet is the holy grail for media companies,” the company tells us. “Industry leaders are in jeopardy of losing billions of dollars, as ad revenues and subscription fees flow from traditional TV and movie distribution channels to digital platforms like YouTube and Facebook that allow consumers to access content on-demand across an array of devices and screens. Those platforms also collect information that enable advertisers to target their messages with greater precision. OTT streaming of TV, movies, and games generates similar information; however, until now OTT data has not been collected and organized in a way that supports large-scale marketing activation.”

“Media companies are at risk of losing $20 billion a year to Facebook and YouTube if they can’t offer advertisers behavioral consumer targeting across OTT inventory,” said Andre Swanston, CEO and co-founder of Tru Optik, which built and maintains the world’s largest database of media behavior.

“We have built AMP on top of a first-party data set that measures media and entertainment consumption of half a billion consumers globally,” said Swanston. “No one – not Apple, not Facebook or YouTube – has access to that much professionally-produced media behavior data.”

To learn more about Tru Optik and what the company is up to, click here.