A Mobile Shopping Reality Marketers Must Remember

A Mobile Shopping Reality Marketers Must RememberSPS Commerce, Inc., a provider of retail cloud services, is rolling out its new “Enhancing the Retail Omnichannel Customer Experience” report.

Conducted by Forrester, the research survey of retailers, we’re told, “confirmed that consumers rely on their digital shopping experiences to make in-store buying decisions, making inventory availability and convenient fulfillment critical to creating the personalized shopping experiences that drive sales.”

Interestingly, retailers report having made strides in expanding assortments and onboarding vendors, and rank customer analytics, point-of-sale solutions and item management as the technologies most critical to their omnichannel initiatives.

All told, of consumers who have used their mobile phone for shopping related activities in the past three months, nearly 50 percent use their devices most of the time to find product information, compare pricing or access customer reviews while shopping in stores.

“Retailers are racing to engage consumers across their existing channels, striving to integrate their in-store and digital merchandising,” said Peter Zaballos, vice president of marketing and product at SPS Commerce. “We believe this research study highlights how much fundamental change retailers and supplies must make in their business processes and technology systems as the adoption of mobile apps, social media strategies and digital wallets such as ApplePay change how consumers shop.”

The complimentary Enhancing the Retail Omnichannel Customer Experience study is available for download now. To check it out, click here.