Social Network for Physicians Launches Something New

SERMO, the largest global social network for physicians, announced Wednesday the groundbreaking new “Drug Ratings” tool.

Drug Ratings, we’re told, is the first and only global peer-to-peer prescription drug review system sourced exclusively from verified licensed physicians.

With hundreds of thousands of ratings and comments from doctors worldwide, the platform is the largest global database of physician feedback on drugs.

Integrated into the SERMO social network, Drug Ratings gives physicians a clinical decision support tool where they can research, rate, and share their direct experience on the efficacy, safety, tolerability, accessibility, and adherence of specific drugs in real time.

“This is revolutionary for doctors – we trust our peers’ experiences most and often refer to each other when deciding what to prescribe. Drug Ratings lets us hear from more of our colleagues, from all around the world in real time,” said Dr. Linda Girgis, a family practitioner in New Jersey.

“To date, there have not been networks for physicians to share important information about experiences with the medications prescribed for patients. This new tool offers a large community of physicians access to see the subtle issues involved with medications. Ratings will be an invaluable part of physicians’ daily routines. This level of transparency will enhance patient care, ” said Dr. Heidi Moawad, a neurologist who participated in the beta testing of the Drug Ratings tool.

To learn more, check out SERMO here.