Dynamic Remarketing is a Game Changer for the Advertising Industry

The following is a guest contributed post from Sarah Nochimowski, marketing director at Treepodia.

Advertisers know that an eye-catching, engaging ad is the only way to attract attention. This is especially true nowadays when our attention span is almost zero. So, what is the secret? Video, of course. But not just any type of video: dynamic video remarketing.

What is dynamic video remarketing?

When we view a YouTube video, we usually see the video ad that plays first. It’s the one that we must watch for a few seconds before we can hit “skip.” This is referred to as a pre-roll ad. When that video ad displays the exact same product or service that we recently viewed on a website it’s referred to as dynamic video remarketing.

In Facebook, dynamic video remarketing finds us as well (it sure is sneaky)! Previously viewed products or services will appear as sponsored videos in Facebook’s Newsfeed.

Video banner ads that we see while we browse websites can also function as dynamic video remarketing. They are targeted video banner ads displaying products or services that we previously viewed on a company’s website. Video banner ads can appear on websites, Facebook or YouTube.

Dynamic video remarketing allows advertisers to retarget potential, new and repeat customers, by displaying previously viewed products or services—through video. This recipe is what makes dynamic video remarketing the best advertising strategy for increasing ROI.

Key benefits of dynamic video remarketing 

Another important advantage of dynamic video remarketing is its ability to successfully influence each stage of the customer funnel on a level that static ads cannot achieve.

  • Brand Awareness

Video ads can be a companion to any TV or national advertising campaign. A national campaign is visible, but general. Video companion ads are considered companions to the national campaign because they build on the original ad and bring a personal touch to every user. The combination of the national and companion ad increases exposure of the brand. Videos can also go viral at a fast rate, which facilitates brand awareness across the online world.

  • Social Media Friendly

Users love to share, favor and comment on videos. The innate shareable nature of videos is partly what gives them an edge over static ads, especially since static ads are not picked up by Facebook’s Newsfeed. Facebook loves videos, and this is apparent on their Newsfeed, since they give video huge visibility and prominence.

  • Engagement and Interest

Video ads create a connection by displaying products that visitors already viewed. This personalization engages the customer and impacts them on an emotional level. This is seen with pre-roll YouTube adds, since personalized pre-rolls are viewed 47% more than generic ones.

  • Decision and Sale

It is an advertiser’s dream to know exactly who to target and with what products. Luckily, this concept is not new. Advertisers have had the ability to retarget customers with static ads based on previously viewed products or services. This is called dynamic retargeting. It has worked well with static ads, that is until video entered the picture. Video ads trump static ads every time since dynamic video remarketing is much more effective.

In-depth research carried out by Treepodia found that dynamic video retargeting outperforms traditional retargeting with average industry increases of 74% in CTR and 49% in ROI. Of the industries studied, jewelry&gifts saw an increase of 100% in ROI and CTR, home&kitchen saw a 39% increase in CTR and a 33% rise in ROI. The furniture industry saw a CTR increase of 86% and an ROI increase of 34%. These are results from Treepodia’s clients, but the comparison between generic retargeting and dynamic video retargeting would likely display similar data for other companies and industries.

Tips for effective dynamic video remarketing campaigns

  • Customize content for target groups

Video ads need to effectively communicate their message to users. It is not enough to show them the product they have visited, there should be a story that speaks to them. The video content can, and should be customized according to lifestyle and preferences for the best personalized effect.

  • Keep it short

Video banners shouldn’t last more than 15s, pre-rolls can be a little longer (30-40s). In both cases, the main message should be said within the first 5s.

  • Include a Call to Action

Include your call to action throughout the video, whether it’s to register, to purchase, to visit a website or if possible, to redeem a discounted offer.

  • A/B Test to maximize results

Remarket at product level (video with product that was visited), at category level (with best seller of the category or a selection of products), or at the site level (best sellers or selection). It’s also a good idea to A/B test platforms. Banners can be used on Facebook and AdWords. Facebook might be more visible but AdWords offers a larger environment.

Always check results in Google Analytics, and compare them to your other campaigns.

Video is the Future

Social media and website browsing are all-consuming activities, yet people expect to be entertained online or they lose interest. Video is the only thing that can penetrate the trance that the online world has pulled us into—a deep trance. No wonder advertising has harnessed video, specifically dynamic video remarketing, to entice potential customers.