It takes a wide variety of skills to make digital marketing work. And design skills are now thought to be chief among them.
In advance of the UXPA 2017 International Conference, TEKsystems — a leading provider of IT staffing solutions and IT services — highlighted study findings that explore design-related marketing priorities within organizations.
We’re told that data was examined on four subsets based on how organizations self-identified the maturity of their digital marketing efforts.
As for TEKsystems’ take: “Design skills are consistently identified as a top need regardless of digital maturity. As companies start to formulate their approach to a digital marketing strategy, there is a nearly unanimous belief that design is a critical need. In fact, it remained a top critical future need as organizations progressed through the integrated and optimized stages of the digital lifecycle. Comparatively, marketing leaders indicate that over the next 12 months, digital design skills will have a higher impact than either analytics or development skills on digitally mature organizations.”
TEKsystems will be exhibiting at UXPA 2017, June 6–8, at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto.