Tapjoy Rolls Out Integrated Attribution Program for Mobile Tracking Partners

Tapjoy Rolls Out Integrated Attribution Program for Mobile Tracking Partners

This week, the team at Tapjoy announced a new Integrated Attribution Program to enable app marketers to optimize their ad campaigns using independent, third-party attribution data.

The company says its initial partners in the program include AppsFlyer, a leading mobile advertising measurement platform, adjust, a mobile attribution and analytics company with comprehensive business intelligence services, and TUNE, the enterprise platform for mobile attribution and measurement.

“Today’s mobile marketers face an incredibly competitive landscape from which to identify, attract, retain and monetize the best customers for their apps, and they need comprehensive tools to power continuous improvement of their customer acquisition efforts,” said Paul Longhenry, SVP business and corporate development, at Tapjoy.

Longhenry says the addition of customer acquisition channel data form these leading attribution tracking partners “introduces a powerful new optimization input that should be immediately impactful for developers utilizing the Tapjoy platform.”

To learn more about what Tapjoy is up to, click here.