The App Store vs. Google Play: Key Differences and Considerations

App Store vs. Google Play: Key Differences and Considerations

In today’s digital age, mobile applications have become an integral part of our lives. Whether it’s for communication, entertainment, productivity, or gaming, there’s an app for almost everything. As a result, developers have flocked to app marketplaces to share their creations with the world. Two of the most prominent and widely used app marketplaces are the Apple App Store and Google Play. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the key differences and considerations when choosing between the App Store and Google Play as a developer or business owner.

Overview of the App Store and Google Play

Before we dive into the differences and considerations, let’s start by understanding what the App Store and Google Play are:

The App Store:

The App Store is Apple’s official marketplace for iOS and macOS applications. It was launched in 2008 and has since become one of the largest and most lucrative app platforms in the world. The App Store offers a wide range of apps, including games, productivity tools, social networking apps, and more. It is known for its strict app review process and premium user experience.

Google Play:

Google Play, on the other hand, is Google’s counterpart to the App Store. It is the primary marketplace for Android applications and was launched in 2012. Google Play serves as the central hub for Android users to discover, download, and update apps. It caters to a diverse user base and offers a vast selection of apps and games.

Now that we have a basic understanding of both platforms let’s explore the key differences and considerations when deciding between the App Store and Google Play.

Key Differences:

1. Platform Ecosystem:

One of the most significant differences between the App Store and Google Play is the ecosystem they belong to. The App Store is tightly integrated into Apple’s ecosystem, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. This means that apps developed for the App Store are optimized to work seamlessly across various Apple devices. On the other hand, Google Play is part of the broader Android ecosystem, which includes a wide range of device manufacturers, screen sizes, and hardware capabilities.


If you have a specific target audience within the Apple ecosystem, the App Store might be the better choice for you. Conversely, if you want to reach a more diverse audience across various Android devices, Google Play is the way to go.

2. App Review Process:

The app review process is where the App Store and Google Play differ significantly. Apple is known for its stringent review process, where every app submission is thoroughly examined for quality, security, and compliance with Apple’s guidelines. This strict approach ensures a higher level of app quality and security but can lead to longer approval times and potential rejection.

Google Play’s review process is generally less strict, focusing primarily on security and malware checks. While this means quicker app approvals, it can sometimes result in a higher number of low-quality or potentially harmful apps on the platform.


If your app adheres to Apple’s guidelines and you prioritize quality and security, you might find the App Store’s review process more suitable. If you value faster deployment and a less stringent approval process, Google Play could be a better fit.

3. Revenue Models:

Both the App Store and Google Play offer revenue-sharing models for developers, but their fee structures differ. Apple’s App Store charges a 15-30% commission on app sales and in-app purchases, depending on the developer’s annual revenue. Google Play follows a similar model, with a 15-30% commission on app sales and in-app purchases.

However, there is a key difference when it comes to in-app subscription fees. Apple’s policy states that if a user subscribes to a service within an app, the developer must share 15-30% of the revenue with Apple. In contrast, Google Play reduced its subscription fee to 15% for the first year and then 15% for subsequent years, making it more developer-friendly for subscription-based apps.


Consider your app’s revenue model and how the platform’s fee structure aligns with your business goals. If your app relies heavily on in-app subscriptions, Google Play might be a more cost-effective choice in the long run.

4. Market Share and Audience:

Another critical difference between the App Store and Google Play is their market share and user base. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Android had a larger global market share compared to iOS. Android’s open ecosystem has made it accessible to a broader range of users, particularly in emerging markets.

Apple, on the other hand, maintains a strong presence in high-income markets and has a loyal user base. iOS users tend to spend more on apps and in-app purchases, making it an attractive platform for monetization.


Your target audience plays a significant role in your choice between the two platforms. If you want to reach a more extensive, diverse user base, Google Play’s larger market share may be advantageous. However, if your app caters to a premium audience with higher spending capacity, the App Store might be the better option.

5. Development Tools and Language:

The development tools and programming languages used for app development also differ between the App Store and Google Play. Apple’s preferred programming language for iOS app development is Swift, with Objective-C being used for legacy apps. Google Play primarily relies on Java and Kotlin for Android app development.


Your choice of development language and tools may depend on your development team’s expertise and your app’s specific requirements. Consider your team’s skillset and comfort with the chosen language when making your decision.

6. Revenue and Monetization Strategies:

Both platforms provide various monetization opportunities for developers, including:

  • Paid Apps: You can charge users to download your app.
  • In-App Purchases: Offer additional content or features within your app for a fee.
  • Ads: Integrate advertising to generate revenue.
  • Subscriptions: Offer premium content or services on a subscription basis.
  • Freemium Models: Offer a free basic version with the option to upgrade for premium features.

Consider which monetization strategy aligns best with your app’s content and target audience. For instance, if your app relies on ad revenue, you might consider Google Play’s larger user base. If you’re developing a premium app or content-based service, the App Store’s higher-spending user base could be more profitable.

Considerations for Choosing Between the App Store and Google Play:

Now that we’ve explored the key differences between the App Store and Google Play, let’s summarize the key considerations to keep in mind when choosing the right platform for your app:

  1. Target Audience: Determine whether your app’s target audience is primarily iOS or Android users. This will significantly influence your choice.
  2. Development Resources: Assess your development team’s skills and experience with the respective platforms and programming languages.
  3. Revenue Model: Consider how your app plans to generate revenue, whether through app sales, in-app purchases, subscriptions, or ads.
  4. Monetization Strategy: Align your app’s monetization strategy with the platform that offers the most favorable terms and access to your target audience.
  5. Market Share: Evaluate the global and regional market share of both platforms to understand where your app can gain the most traction.
  6. Review Process: Decide whether you prioritize a stringent review process for quality and security (App Store) or a quicker approval process (Google Play).
  7. Ecosystem Integration: Consider whether your app can benefit from tight integration with Apple’s ecosystem (App Store) or the open Android ecosystem (Google Play).
  8. Long-Term Goals: Think about your app’s long-term goals and how they align with the platform’s policies and fee structures.
  9. User Spending Habits: Analyze user spending habits on each platform and choose the one that aligns with your revenue expectations.
  10. Geographic Reach: If you have a specific geographic target, research the platform’s market penetration in those regions.


Choosing between the App Store and Google Play is a crucial decision for app developers and business owners. Each platform has its own set of advantages and considerations, and the right choice depends on your app’s goals, target audience, and revenue model. Carefully assess the factors discussed in this blog post to make an informed decision that sets your app up for success in the competitive world of mobile app development. Remember that the app landscape is continually evolving, so staying up to date with platform changes and user preferences is essential for long-term success on either platform.