Data Proves Mobile Marketing Is The Future

Data Proves Mobile Marketing Is The FutureTrying to talk a Chief Experience Officer (CXO) or the company’s CFO and accountants into spending more on mobile design and technology?

Maybe the soft sell won’t work. It’s time to use the hard core data — and the data is very clear, friends — to wage the argument.

Both consumers and producers have to realize that the zeitgeist has changed — forever. The switch to mobile devices is gaining momentum. As a result, any brand or publisher trying to “reach out and touch someone” will have to invest in it.

Here are three reasons (and we mean data-driven reasons) mobile is on the move:

1. Everyone has a mobile device or is thinking of buying one

Times change. Desktop is dead (just try selling one on eBay). But mobile internet user growth is on the march. Any global business expecting to attract customers and deliver value online will find they must adapt to mobile or die with desktop.

2. Mobile E-commerce is where the money is

Mobile commerce has been projected to grow to $204 million in 2014 and to nearly half of all commerce by 2018. That’s where the ROI is going to be, according to the best brains in the business. Any brand not seeing growth here probably has issues to resolve, such as poor mobile design and user experience (resize for the screen!), as well as badly targeted audiences (Millennials are mobile today, but don’t forget the older demographic that will be mobile tomorrow — make plans for both).

3. Monetizing mobile users works

You don’t have to be Facebook to grock that surviving as a business means adapting to mobile. Consider it, though, as an example. After revamping its site and mobile app experience, the company’s mobile ad revenue growth has taken over as the driver of its success. A huge percentage of users now access Facebook through mobile device alone, never on a desktop (which they don’t even own because they sold them on eBay).

In short, the data shows that the marketing — and the monetization — is moving to mobile. Serious companies don’t want to be like the buggy whip manufacturers who thought that Ford’s Model T “wouldn’t catch on with the public.”