The team at AvidMobile is exciting the mobile marketing community today with its unveiling of a new couponing module.
According to details made available during the announcement Monday, the couponing module in question makes SMS based couponing more effective and easily accessible to a wide array of clients.
“Effective integration of new text based advertising is a key component to the modern marketplace,” the company says, “and AvidMobile intends to show just how easy and effective their SMS couponing is with this new module.”
While there are numerous ways to get a message out there with mobile web advertising, research consistently says one direct SMS communication is the single most effective method for achieving marketplace results. Customers who can read and easily access a text based coupon are more likely to use it than an email, app or site based coupon.
“SMS based couponing is not only more effective than mail couponing,” the company says, “with a near guarantee of potential customers opening and reading SMS based text coupons. SMS coupons offer another substantial advantage over standard paper coupons, in that they are entirely virtual objects with no printing or mailing cost, and no carbon impact for green conscious marketers and consumers.”
AvidMobile says that most customers are much happier to receive a text based coupon they have in some way enrolled for than to receive an unsolicited paper flyer in the mail.