IAB Tech Lab Launches New International Digital Measurement Compliance Program

MMW learned Thursday that The IAB Technology Laboratory has now officially launched the new IAB Tech Lab Measurement Compliance program, providing “a new option for assessing companies’ implementations of critical industry measurement standards.”

We’re told that the new measurement compliance offering will focus on companies based outside the U.S., supporting 43 national IAB markets.

IAB Tech Lab introduced a range of technology compliance programs last year to verify accurate deployment of OpenRTB (Real-Time Bidding), VAST (Digital Video Ad Serving Template), VPAID (Video Player Ad Interface Definition), and MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions) standards. As this new measurement compliance program and other Tech Lab compliance offerings gain adoption, they will advance global adherence to technical protocols, specifications, measurement guidelines, and best practices through audits, validation, and testing frameworks.

“In Japan, as in other markets, issues such as ad fraud, brand safety, and viewability are gaining more and more attention,” said Kensuke Hirokawa, Director and Chief Technology Officer, CCI. “As many players, including ourselves, are urged to tackle those issues, I am pleased to announce that our advertising platform, BEYOND X, has received the first IAB Tech Lab verification in Japan. Delivering more reliable measurement and stronger technology capabilities to the Japanese market is an important mission of CCI. The company is taking vital steps in keeping with its role and responsibility to build a healthier digital advertising market.”

To learn more about the IAB Tech Lab Measurement Compliance program, click here.