Payday loans have become a controversial means of securing short term cash throughout the United States in recent years. But not even a few bad apples can bring down those worthy of your business. Consequently, a number of secure, responsible lenders continue to thrive while less reputable financial service providers continue to disappear.
It’s also becoming quite clear, however, that digital convenience and security also play important roles in why some companies last and others do not.
Quik Check, for example, which is licensed/registered in every state in which it operates — Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming — has developed a stellar reputation, not only for its financial services, but for embracing the mobile/digital age within this field of service.
Gone are the days when physical trips to the local cash advance storefront are a required part of the process. Today, the digital resources available to online borrowers make the process much more convenient and ultimately secure (since there’s no cash to actually handle).
Of course, while a growing number of similar service providers are also going digital, financial experts warn potential short-term borrowers that they should also read the fine print to ensure that all provided information remains private and secure.
“While it is important to read the fine print, we’d like to put this in bold,” Quik Check states on its website. “We will not share or sell any of the information you share with us. We are committed to keeping your information confidential.”
If a payday loan provider can’t make that pledge, especially in the digital age, it would be a wise move to move on… and quickly.