Pop Quiz for Mobile Marketers: Who is Most Likely to Own Wearables?

Pop Quiz for Mobile Marketers Who is Most Likely to Own WearablesWith talk of the wearable screen becoming the next major destination for mobile marketing efforts, it comes as no surprise that we’re seeing more research conducted these days regarding wearables and, in particular, the individuals most inclined to adopt these devices.

But according to the latest industry research to which MMW has been privy, Jason Mander of GlobalWebIndex has an answer to the burning question of who is most likely to own wearables.

“As with almost all other connected devices, global ownership figures for smartwatches and smart wristbands show few significant differences by gender,” Mander writes. “Much stronger trends emerge if we look at age – where 25-34s are in the lead – and by income, where the top 25% are more than twice as likely to have bought a wearable as their counterparts in the bottom 25%.”

So there you have it. GWI says individuals 25-34 are most likely to own wearables today. Of course, there’s much more that’s worth knowing about the hottest product category in contemporary mobile technology. To learn more, check out the latest GWI Device report or download a free summary here.