Tapjoy Touts New Rewarded Advertising Report

MAW broke the news Monday that Tapjoy is once again proving to the mobile advertising world why it’s at the top of its game — it understands rewarded advertising better than anyone.

According to the new Tapjoy report, rewarded advertising helps app developers keep users engaged longer. Findings from the study reveal that rewarded advertisements can help boost app retention by about 4X or more.

The study, titled “Maximum Impact Report: The Impact of Rewarded Ads on App Retention,” also found that rewarded video ads are the most effective ad format among those studied for increasing retention for mobile apps.

Players who complete any rewarded advertising offer — an ad that gifts app players with virtual currency or premium content in exchange for their engagement — during their first week after downloading an app have a 30-day retention rate of at least 50 percent, compared to the benchmark of less than 13 percent for all app users, according to the report.

The study also showed that rewarded video ads have the most profound impact on app retention of any ad type.

To learn more, check out the full report can here.