New Report Points to Missed Sales, Engagement Opportunities in Email Marketing

EmailNew analysis from Yes Lifecycle Marketing is worth a review from anyone who wants to understand and improve email marketing effectiveness.

Among the key findings in the new report, milestone and remarketing triggered emails lead to 600 percent more purchases than the most common trigger campaign – welcome emails, according to new data from Yes Lifecycle Marketing.

Using data from 24 billion emails deployed via its cross-channel marketing and analytics platform, Yesmail360, Yes Lifecycle Marketing analyzed open rates, conversions, revenue and more from a dozen types of triggered campaigns, including milestone (birthday and anniversary), remarketing (abandoned cart and browse abandon) and welcome emails.

The Ultimate Email Trigger Report: 12 Triggers that Boost Revenue” revealed that brands aren’t using triggered campaigns to their full advantage. Nearly three-quarters of brands (72 percent) are deploying welcome emails, which generate a 2 percent conversion rate on average. Meanwhile, only 4 percent of brands send anniversary triggers despite their 12 percent conversion rate, even though they are typically powered by the same data as welcome campaigns.

“While it’s encouraging to see that most marketers are sending some triggered campaigns such as welcome emails, the engagement and conversion data indicates that they are not using triggers to their full advantage,” said Michael Fisher, president of Yes Lifecycle Marketing. “In order to capitalize on the tremendous opportunities presented by triggeredemails, brands should develop a more comprehensive trigger program that includes a wider variety of messages that cater to consumers at each stage of their lifecycle.”