Kara Kamenec, Author at Mobile Marketing Watch https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/author/kara-kamenec/ Fri, 24 Feb 2017 11:33:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/cropped-MMW_LOGO__3_-removebg-preview-32x32.png Kara Kamenec, Author at Mobile Marketing Watch https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/author/kara-kamenec/ 32 32 Video Increasingly Important for Brands in the Mobile Space https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/video-increasingly-important-brands-mobile-space/ Fri, 24 Feb 2017 11:33:47 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=70885 Two new reports shed light on the growing importance of video in the mobile space. Looking at Q4 2016 data, Positive Mobile found that mobile video ads now account for 17% of the spend, which is up 5% from earlier in 2016. The report, highlighted in full this week by BizReport, discovered the top categories...

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Two new reports shed light on the growing importance of video in the mobile space.

Looking at Q4 2016 data, Positive Mobile found that mobile video ads now account for 17% of the spend, which is up 5% from earlier in 2016.

The report, highlighted in full this week by BizReport, discovered the top categories for mobile video are CPG, with a 35% share, retail with a 17% share, and Telecom with a 10% share.

Furthermore, Sahi Stein, CEO & founder of Positive Mobile commented, “From local car dealer and retail ads to ads for congressional candidates leading up to Election Day, we’ve seen exponential growth in location-based mobile video ads.”

Meanwhile, a Cisco’s Visual Networking Index Global Mobile Data Trends report predicted mobile data traffic is expected to account for 20% of IP traffic and that 12 billion mobile devices will be in service by 2021.

Video is expected to have the highest growth, representing a predicted 76% of all mobile traffic by 2021.

Vice President of Service Provider Marketing at Cisco, Doug Webster, remarked “As a result, broader and more extensive architectural transformations involving programmability and automation will also be needed to support the capabilities 5G enables, and to address not just today’s demands but also the extensive possibilities on the horizon.”

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eMarketer Explains Why Why Consumers Get Email Fatigue https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/emarketer-explains-consumers-get-email-fatigue/ Fri, 17 Feb 2017 11:55:44 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=70819 Email marketing still works, but it only seems to work when it’s not abused. That’s the key takeaway in a new report from eMarketer. As to be expected, research shows that internet users are the most likely to unsubscribe from email lists because they get too many emails in general. In an October 2016 survey,...

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Email marketing still works, but it only seems to work when it’s not abused. That’s the key takeaway in a new report from eMarketer.

As to be expected, research shows that internet users are the most likely to unsubscribe from email lists because they get too many emails in general. In an October 2016 survey, MarketingSherpa asked US adult internet users why they unsubscribe from email lists and found that 25% did so because they received too many emails.

The question then remains how many emails is too many. According to an August 2016 survey from  Mapp Digital Internet users said that receiving emails twice per week was the preferable amount, while the second most popular response was receiving emails only once per month.

It’s not only the email frequency, but also the content of the email that swayed consumers answers. if an email was irrelevant to users, if it’s constantly pushing a sales message, or if the content of the email is boring or repetitive one in five users said they would unsubscribe. And apparently emails aren’t that useful to users in the first place. According to October 2016 research from Fluent LLC, only 15% of email users said they find marketing emails “often” or “always” useful, 29% said they were sometimes useful, and more than half (57%) said they were “rarely” or “never” useful.

eMarketer analyst Jillian Ryan explains, Maintaining a high level of list health and subscriber quality, as well as including relevant, personalized messaging, can combat some of these (email marketing) concerns.”

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Ad Fraud Is Growing And Singapore Is Most Targeted https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/ad-fraud-growing-singapore-targeted/ Fri, 17 Feb 2017 11:33:46 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=70821 According to a new piece from Marketing Interactive, it’s predicted that 59.5% of Google’s net global ad revenues will stem from mobile Internet ads this year, which is up 45.8% from 2015, and is forecasted to grow to nearly 75% by 2018. Yet as it matures, ad fraud is also beginning to creep in. In...

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According to a new piece from Marketing Interactive, it’s predicted that 59.5% of Google’s net global ad revenues will stem from mobile Internet ads this year, which is up 45.8% from 2015, and is forecasted to grow to nearly 75% by 2018. Yet as it matures, ad fraud is also beginning to creep in. In today’s age, ad fraud is already costing advertisers an estimated $8.2 billion in wasted ad investments according to a recent study by Click Mob and with it a ripple effect this leads to a diminishing trust in overall digital marketing.

The study found that Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, United States and United Kingdom are the top 5 countries targeted by ad fraud on Android devices, while Japan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Singapore and United States and most targeted on iOS devices.

Of all the countries, Japan seems to be impacted the hardest., Android-based fraud in Japan accounted for 12% of the total detected fraudulent activity and on iOS, fraudulent traffic attempts in Japan accounted for 11% out of the total detected fraudulent activity. The study explained that “Mobile app users in Japan are high value, and therefore are likely more targeted by fraudsters because the payout is high,”.

Interestingly payouts on iOS are higher than Android, and iOS’s higher susceptibility to ad fraud most likely reflects the willingness of an advertiser to pay for a new iOS user.

The timing of ad fraud also says something about the intentions of those committing it. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were the most targeted days for fraudulent advertising, with Friday’s drawing in 18% of total attempts. Most likely we can attribute this to the budget shift that occurs, where advertisers are typically spending more on weekends, and thus attracting more fraudulent traffic.

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eMarketer Predicts Increases in Mobile Ad Spend, Changes in Influencer Marketing, and Heightened Need for Accurate Attribution in 2017 https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/emarketer-predicts-increases-in-mobile-ad-spend-changes-in-influencer-marketing-and-heightened-need-for-accurate-attribution-in-2017/ Fri, 16 Dec 2016 11:33:47 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=70057 Data and research company, eMarketer, released its latest 2017 social predictions in its recent report, “US Social Trends for 2017: eMarketer’s Predictions for Attribution, Live Streaming, Messaging, Influencer Marketing and More”, highlighting live streaming and influencer marketing as major trends but also noting an increase in ad spend on mobile marketing and the priority of...

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moneyData and research company, eMarketer, released its latest 2017 social predictions in its recent report, “US Social Trends for 2017: eMarketer’s Predictions for Attribution, Live Streaming, Messaging, Influencer Marketing and More”, highlighting live streaming and influencer marketing as major trends but also noting an increase in ad spend on mobile marketing and the priority of proper attribution moving forward.

Still considered by many to be a grey area in terms of measuring ROI from offline marketing verticals, the company predicts attribution from new and advancing social media and mobile marketing methods will heavily depend on the owned and operated developer tools from the likes of Facebook and Google, platforms of which currently are informative, yet cannot always supply cut and dry data marketers require not only to show results but also to analyze in order to best optimize for future campaigns.

Seeing as data dictates how marketers are settings budgets, the availability of foot traffic data has prompted many advertisers to increase their ad spends in mobile. According to the report, 78% of US marketers surveyed in July 2016 by the Mobile Marketing Association said they have already increased location-based mobile ad spending, related specifically to the fact that Google and Facebook offer location-based digital ads with offline objectives. Also in the mobile space, advertisers will need to pay to see the same results they used to see organically on Instagram, following the company’s most recent algorithm change, and signs hit that SnapChat will soon follow a similar route.

Other hot-topic areas of interest to advertisers for the coming year include live video streaming, and the monetization of it, as well as the newly more-regulated vertical of influencer marketing. EMarketer prefects TV networks, many of which are currently experimenting with social platforms, will get more involved on both fronts.

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Mobile and Creative Strategy Must Go Hand in Hand According to New MMA Report https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/mobile-and-creative-strategy-must-go-hand-in-hand-according-to-new-mma-report/ Thu, 17 Nov 2016 11:55:38 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=69712 Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), the leading global trade association for the mobile industry, together with Kantar Millward Brown released its 2016 Global Mobile Trends Report outlining how marketers are missing the mark on their creative strategies by not balancing strategy, media, and creative. Data extracted from the report outlines how the most successful campaigns top...

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IAB 50 Percent of Marketers Now Buying Mobile ProgrammaticallyMobile Marketing Association (MMA), the leading global trade association for the mobile industry, together with Kantar Millward Brown released its 2016 Global Mobile Trends Report outlining how marketers are missing the mark on their creative strategies by not balancing strategy, media, and creative.

Data extracted from the report outlines how the most successful campaigns top all overs, often due to a cohesive execution of combining mobile creative with other creative endeavors. Some suggestions from the report include:

  • Leveraging mobile platforms by increasing the brand perception as personally relevant and differentiated from its competitors.
  • Solving a problem or providing an experience is far more engaging and effective in driving emotional connections
  • Maintaining a focus on visually compelling ad formats
  • Building ad campaigns from a mobile-first mindset

The report goes on to outline some especially crucial areas in which marketers have the most potential to improve and adapt these new trends including:

  • Shifting sales goes from sales to engagement using mobile
  • Balance in focus between targeting and creative endeavours
  • Focusing on new technologies to reach consumers such as augmented and virtual reality

Sheryl Daija, Chief Strategy Officer of the Mobile Marketing Association goes on to summarize. “Brands have a wonderful opportunity to learn from campaigns that were courageous in pushing the creative and story-telling potential of mobile, while still executing on a strong strategy.”

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Google Experiments With Mobile-First Indexing But Gives Marketing’s Little Insight Into Details https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/google-experiments-with-mobile-first-indexing-but-gives-marketings-little-insight-into-details/ Thu, 17 Nov 2016 11:33:45 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=69715 Since October 13, when Google’s John Mueller announced at Pubcon that Google will be shifting its search index’s priority to mobile excitement has been brewing to see exactly what this will entail. With Google’s 4 November post on the Google Webmasters blog announcing that Google had started experimenting with the mobile index on a small...

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googleSince October 13, when Google’s John Mueller announced at Pubcon that Google will be shifting its search index’s priority to mobile excitement has been brewing to see exactly what this will entail. With Google’s 4 November post on the Google Webmasters blog announcing that Google had started experimenting with the mobile index on a small scale, we gained some more insight into what the dominate search engine has in store for the future.

As stated in the Google Webmasters blog, Google cites, “We understand this is an important shift in our indexing and it’s one we take seriously. We’ll continue to carefully experiment over the coming months on a small scale and we’ll ramp up this change when we’re confident that we have a great user experience.”

Of note, ClickThrough-Marketing.com notes, Google again confirmed that it continue to support desktop-only search indexing – for site owners who don’t have mobile sites. And while we know the shift change is happening gradually and only on a small scale, Google still is yet to provide any detailed information on the matter, meaning how many people the update currently affects is uncertain.

What we do know now is that Google has given webmasters and SEOs a list of recommendations to complete before the mobile index takes full effect. It’s also safe to assume that responsive design and dynamic serving mobile sites verified with Google whose primary content and markup are the same for both platforms, do not require any changes to be made at this time.

This will likely be a case where more information comes out as Google begins to roll out the new indexing, but until then marketers will do best to follow Google updates and continue to make mobile a priority in any current or upcoming site design.

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Advertisers May Benefit From Viewing SMS as Separate From Email https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/advertisers-may-benefit-from-viewing-sms-as-separate-from-email/ Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:55:16 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=69616 Somewhere along the way the line between SMS and email became blurred and businesses now easily intermix the two failing to recognize the unique benefits of each. SMS is often incorrectly viewed as a new version of email, when in fact, it is an entirely separate communication and marketing channel. Additionally, the statistics around SMS...

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business-690675_960_720Somewhere along the way the line between SMS and email became blurred and businesses now easily intermix the two failing to recognize the unique benefits of each. SMS is often incorrectly viewed as a new version of email, when in fact, it is an entirely separate communication and marketing channel.

Additionally, the statistics around SMS and email show grave differences about how the two marketing channels perform as well as how users interact with each. SMS open rates are around 98%, but email is only at about 20%, which in part is due to large amounts of spam mail received. On that note as much as 90% of emails can be viewed as spam, while spam rates for SMS are a mere 1%, reports Luxury Daily.

Behavioral differences are also worth noting. People respond to text messages more quickly than email, with 9% of recipients responding within 3 minutes. Not only do they respond quicker, people are also more likely to respond to text message incentives, as SMS click through rates are six times higher than email. Other differences included the 160 character limit of SMS messages and the higher redemption rates of SMS coupons compared to those sent using email.

With Millennial use of email dropping and SMS increasing it may be time advertisers look at SMS marketing with a fresh set of eyes. Email will always be there and will likely be part of most advertising strategies but the many benefits and growing popularity of using SMS messages in general is becoming hard to overlook.

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Three Shifts Away From Ad Blocking After Reportedly ‘Pissing Off’ Google https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/three-shifts-away-from-ad-blocking-after-reportedly-pissing-off-google/ Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:33:14 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=69614 Mobile provider, Three, made a bold statement this week as the company announced it will move away from ad blocking and instead strive to come up with a better mobile advertising approach that serves more relevant and inspirational ads. The announcement was made by Tom Malleschitz, CMO at Three,  during an ad:tech event in London...

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Is-Google-Searching-for-the-Next-Big-ThingMobile provider, Three, made a bold statement this week as the company announced it will move away from ad blocking and instead strive to come up with a better mobile advertising approach that serves more relevant and inspirational ads.

The announcement was made by Tom Malleschitz, CMO at Three,  during an ad:tech event in London this week. Three revealed that its decision to work with ad blocking firm, Shine, “Pissed off” some major brands, including Google, although the campaigns thus far have shown positive results, with 86% of customers satisfied. Three plans to continue to work with Shine, but rather than use their ad blocking software, will collaborate with the company to create a better mobile ad solution.

Currently carrying over 40% of the UK’s mobile data traffic, Three insists its initiative to improve mobile ads is a move others in the industry should follow. Earlier this year, Three outlined three principles that it believes should be used as industry best practices:

  1. Customers should not pay for data on ads
  2. Privacy and security must be protected
  3. Ads should be relevant and inspirational and not degrade experience.

The mobile ad problem may never be completely fixed, but seeing industry leaders take steps towards improving user experience, even ones that will undoubtedly have a financial impact, provides some glimmer of hope that there will be a less-intrusive mobile experience in the future.

For full coverage see: marketingweek.com

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Pizza Huts in Hong Kong Drive Revenue, Cut Costs With Mobile Marketing https://mobilemarketingwatch.com/pizza-huts-in-hong-kong-drive-revenue-cut-costs-with-mobile-marketing/ Wed, 09 Nov 2016 11:02:41 +0000 http://mobilemarketingwatch.com/?p=69610 In an effort to improve upon marketing campaigns, the over 70 Pizza Hut chains in Hong Kong continue to make gradual shifts towards mobile marketing tactics, replacing print coupons the company used in the past. In addition to saving time, the switch to digital saves 90% in printing costs and in a one day test...

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mobile-marketingIn an effort to improve upon marketing campaigns, the over 70 Pizza Hut chains in Hong Kong continue to make gradual shifts towards mobile marketing tactics, replacing print coupons the company used in the past. In addition to saving time, the switch to digital saves 90% in printing costs and in a one day test run, showed a 7-10% increase in revenue.

Pizza Hut’s shift to mobile marketing began in 2014 as an effort to improve the customer experience and cut costs on direct marketing materials. Using mobile marketing campaigns the company is now able to get coupons ready for distribution in 2 hours and requires only a single in-house graphic designer. In addition to corporate benefits, the shift to mobile allows the company to partake in more environmentally friendly marketing tactics.

“We were not trying to solve a particular technology problem, but to improve on our marketing campaign management,” stated Ravel Lai, group IT director at Jardine Restaurant Group Hong Kong and Macau, in an interview with Computerworld Hong Kong.

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