eMarketer Predicts Increases in Mobile Ad Spend, Changes in Influencer Marketing, and Heightened Need for Accurate Attribution in 2017

moneyData and research company, eMarketer, released its latest 2017 social predictions in its recent report, “US Social Trends for 2017: eMarketer’s Predictions for Attribution, Live Streaming, Messaging, Influencer Marketing and More”, highlighting live streaming and influencer marketing as major trends but also noting an increase in ad spend on mobile marketing and the priority of proper attribution moving forward.

Still considered by many to be a grey area in terms of measuring ROI from offline marketing verticals, the company predicts attribution from new and advancing social media and mobile marketing methods will heavily depend on the owned and operated developer tools from the likes of Facebook and Google, platforms of which currently are informative, yet cannot always supply cut and dry data marketers require not only to show results but also to analyze in order to best optimize for future campaigns.

Seeing as data dictates how marketers are settings budgets, the availability of foot traffic data has prompted many advertisers to increase their ad spends in mobile. According to the report, 78% of US marketers surveyed in July 2016 by the Mobile Marketing Association said they have already increased location-based mobile ad spending, related specifically to the fact that Google and Facebook offer location-based digital ads with offline objectives. Also in the mobile space, advertisers will need to pay to see the same results they used to see organically on Instagram, following the company’s most recent algorithm change, and signs hit that SnapChat will soon follow a similar route.

Other hot-topic areas of interest to advertisers for the coming year include live video streaming, and the monetization of it, as well as the newly more-regulated vertical of influencer marketing. EMarketer prefects TV networks, many of which are currently experimenting with social platforms, will get more involved on both fronts.