The People’s Choice: In UK, Email Still Best Brand Hope for Reaching Consumers

The People's Choice In UK, Email Still Best Brand Hope for Reaching ConsumersWhile digital advertising continues to fight off beasts like ad-blocking and concerns about data privacy and security, it looks like brands in the UK can still count on email.

Recent research by Adobe revealed that 63 percent of office workers in the country who own a smartphone preferred to be contacted by brands this way vs. just 6 percent by social media and 5 percent by mobile apps.

That email is going strong was backed up by Ipsos Mori research from April. The firm discovered that emailing was the most common activity among consumers — with 79 percent of survey respondents saying they’d used email in the past three months.

“Such rates of usage should come as no great surprise,” notes eMarketer. “Like most things in the digital space, email is becoming an increasingly mobile practice. June 2015 research from Movable Ink found that 71 percent of total email opens in the UK during Q1 2015 took place on mobile devices.”

Consumers are content with contact via email and they’re very often engaged with email across devices.

“In the face of increasing consumer unrest with digital marketing tactics, email looks like a very safe play, and a sound one at that,” concludes eMarketer.